QVIX Fireworks Inventory System
6-33 Made Available For FTP Download
February 24, 2016
1. We have added in additional support for
"Microsoft Windows 10" features.
January 21, 2016
We have removed the "Shooters Fee" amount from display/printing when the
"Show" preferences are set to "Do not Display/Print Show Totals" in the
"Show Invoice".
January 11, 2016
1. We have corrected
an minor internal calculation for "Units" and "Cases" when modifiying these
amounts in the "Products" window.
January 7, 2016
Corrected some discrepancies when "Loading Inventory From a Spreadsheet".
January 5, 2016
1. We have added a new field called
"Color" to the "Products" window and the "Load Inventory From Spreadsheet"
January 4, 2016
1. We have added in the
"Order Number" to the "Customer Order" dropdown box when looking for a
"Customer Order" in the "Customer Order" window.
December 21,
1. We have added in a new feature that saves a copy of the
"QVIX Fireworks Inventory System.mde" file in the "QVIX Previous Software"
in case a user wishes to go back to a previous version of the
2. We have corrected the un-necessary prompting for
"Customer Number" when printing a "Customer Invoice" from the "Customer
Order" screen.
December 15, 2015
1. We have added in
"Height, HeightMeters, LiftTime, and Duration" to the "Load Inventory From
Spreadsheet (Database)" window.
2. We have added a new field called
"Customer Number" to the "Customer" window and all appropriate "Customer"
3. We have added a new field called Supplier Number" to the
"Customer" window and all appropriate "Supplier" reports.
4. We have
change the procedure for restoring a "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database" to
exit the application after restoring a database.
December 9, 2015
1. We have corrected a problem when the user users a different Drive/Folder
than "C:\" for the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database", the "License Key"
will not be found.
November 4, 2015
1. We have added
in the capability for you to give "Customers" a "Supplier(Vendor)"
"Discount" for the entire "Vendors Products".
November 1, 2015
1. We have enhanced the P.O.S. display screen with new features.
2. We
have rewritten the internal high speed "Product Index Query System" to
improve speed and accuracy.
October 20, 2015
1. We
have added in the ability to "Save/Update A JPG, AVI, WMV" image/video for a
"Product" in the "Products" window for the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory
Software System".
2. We have added in the ability to "View/Play A JPG,
AVI, WMV" image/video for a "Product" in the "Shows" and "Customer Order"
windows for the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Software System".
3. We have
added in the ability to "Save/Update A JPG, AVI, WMV" image/video for a
"Product" in the "Shows" window for the "QVIX Fireworks Choreography
Software System".
4. We have added in the ability to "View/Play A JPG,
AVI, WMV" image/video for a "Product" in the "Shows" window for the "QVIX
Fireworks Choreography Software System".
September 30, 2015
1. We have removed any MSACCESS.EXE runtime auto kill process routines from
the application.
September 28, 2015
1. We have
enhanced the "Product Inventory Totals Report" to display the values
September 24, 2015
1. We have added in "Date
Range" and "Part Number Range" to the "Inventory Report - Compare (In Stock)
To (Initial Stock - Sold)" report.
September 23, 2015
1. We have added in "Start Date" and "Include Product Type" selections in
the "Product Listing By Location (Up To A Specific Date)" report.
September 22, 2015
1. We have corrected a possible error
in the "Shows" screen when not disregarding "Salesperson" as a display field
in the "Show".
September 14, 2015
1. We have
corrected an error in the "Customer Order" drop down window where the "Order
Status" was not displaying after the "Customer's Name" column.
2. We have
corrected an error in the "Customer Order" window when selecting "Click To
Add New Product Items To Order" box, new items entered would show a error
(Reserved field status was incorrect).
September 8, 2015
1. We have added a new field called "Carrier" to the "My Company
Information" screen. If not blank, this will override the "My Company Name"
used for "Waybill Carrier".
If "Customer Carrier" is not blank, then
this will override all previous "Carrier's Names".
2. We have corrected
the tabbing order for the "Shipping Address" in the "Customer" screen.
We have added in "Salesperson Name" to the "Shows" and "Customer Orders"
search windows.
4. We have added in the ability to create new "Shows"
and/or "Show Line Items" as a "Bid" instead of a "Reserved Show" using the
"Show Preferences" window.
5. We have added in the ability to create new
"Orders" and/or "Order Line Items" as a "Bid" instead of a "Reserved Order"
using the "Customer Order Preferences" window.
6. We have added in a new
"Employee Security Restriction" that allows a non-administrator to
"Clear/Set Show/Order "Reserve (Bids)" fields.
7. We have added a new
field in "Show/Order" window that only appears for "Bids" and allows the
user to "Check" a box marking the "Show/Order" as ready to convert to
"Show/Order" from "Bid".
8. We have added an additional selection in the
"Select Show Years To Display" dropdown box in the "Shows" window to filter
for "Bids Ready To Be Converted To A Show".
9. We have added an
additional selection in the "Select Customer Order Years To Display"
dropdown box in the "Customer Orders" window to filter for "Bids Ready To Be
Converted To A Order".
10. We have corrected the duplicate "1000" pound
entry in the "Magazine Weight" dropdown in the "Locations" screen.
11. We
have deleted any "BMP" icons and graphics from the inventory software as per
"Microsoft's" instructions as Microsoft has dropped support for all "BMP"
type graphics in their software.
12. Added "Shipping Expense" and
"Choreography Expense" to the "Show Misc. Expenses" selections.
13. We
have added in a new table (Window) call "Insurance" to the inventory system.
14. We have added in the ability to automatically calculate the "Show/Order
Insurance" to the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens.
15. We have
corrected all "Report" filter "Windows" for incorrect "Set Selections"
loading error.
16. We have added a new report called "List Customer Order
Expenses" to the "POS Invoice, Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments, Misc."
tab in the "Select Your Report" screen.
17. We have added in a new field
called "Shooters Fee" to the "Shows" window (Note - This will be used in the
"Shooters Scheduling" and "Accounts Receivable" Applications").
18. We
have added in the ability to filter for "Bid Ready To Convert To Show/Order"
in the "List Show/Order Posting Status" report.
August 22, 2015
1. We have added in 4 new user defined price levels in the "Products"
2. We have added in the ability to assign a "Customer" a user
defined "Price Level" for assigning a different price besides "Retail (List)
3. We have modified the "Show" and "Customer Order" screen to use
any of the 4 new user defined price amounts in place of the "Retail (List)
Price" when assigning "Prices" to the line items in the "Show" or "Customer
August 21, 2015
1. Split "In Stock Amounts
(Cases-Units)" into two separate fields "In Stock Cases" and "In Stock
Pieces" in the "Load Inventory Data From Spreadsheet/Database" screen.
August 17, 2015
1. Added "Notes (Product Notes)" and
"Comments (Line Item Comments)" fields to the "Load Inventory Data From
Spreadsheet/Database" screen.
July 20, 2015
1. We
have optimized "QVIX Fireworks application Folder" for Cloud sharing.(Please
click on 'Select A New QVIX Application Folder Location' in the 'Main Menu'
2. We have added in the ability to use scroll bars on the "Main
Menu" screen and other screens when using Windows 8.1 on auto-zoomed
3. We have modified the "Customer Order Invoice' printing module
to try and eliminate the extra empty page that some see printing.
July 2, 2015
1. We have decreased the "Horizontal" size
of the "Customer Order Invoice" to see if extra pages stop printing on some
"Printer" margin settings.
July 1, 2015
1. We have
decreased the size of the "Customer Order Invoice" "Disclaimed" font to see
if extra pages stop printing on some "Printer" margin settings.
June 24, 2015
1. We have added in the ability to remove
"Discontinued" items from the “Click To Add New Product Items To Order” and
“Click To Add New Product Items To Show” screens.
June 23, 2015
1. We have corrected a problem where a "Discontinued" item may still display
in the new item dropdown list for "Shows/Orders".
2. We have added in the
new field "Total Unit(s) & Case(s)" to the "Show" and "Orders" screens.
June 18, 2015
1. We have corrected a problem where all
"Reports With Box Numbers" weight were showing the total "Show/Order" weight
instead of the actual "Box" weight.
June 9, 2015
We have added in additional new fields (Units Reserved, Cases Reserved,
Stock-Reserved Units, Stock-Reserved Cases, etc) to the "Create A Stock CSV
File" and "Create A Product Excel Spreadsheet File (Sorted By Category
Order)" buttons in the "Products" screen.
May 28, 2015
1. We have corrected an error in the "Bill of Lading" reports where the
lowest "Placard" needed may not actually be the lowest if the first line
item in the "Show/Order" is high than the lowest needed.
May 22,
1. We have re-written all reports that display/print "Weights"
to use the same calculation module for these reports.
April 20,
1. We have modified the grouping of the line item detail
information for the report "Product Used By Customer" to keep the entire group
This should stop the partial printing of the second or third lines
for that part number in the "Customer Order Invoice".
April 1,
1. We have modified the "Product Sold/Used By Category" report
to account for empty "Unit Prices" when calculating "Cases" totals.
March 31,
1. We have modified the "Product Sold/Used By Category" report
to use the "Show/Order" line item prices instead of "Product" screen prices.
March 11, 2015
1. We have added the new fields "Gross
Weight" and "Pyro Weight" to the "Products" screen. These new fields, when
filled in, over-ride the "Category" corresponding weight fields
calculating weights for the specific item.
2. We have modified all reports
that contain weight calculations to use the new "Product Gross Weight" and
"Product Pyro Weight" in their weight calculations.
February 12, 2015
1. We have corrected a problem where the conversion for Pounds to Kilograms was
reversed when importing products from a CSV spreadsheet for the "Weight" field.
January 7, 2015
1. We have modified the software to only
"Validate the Database" when a new software update is installed thus making the
software run faster at startup time.
2. We have added in the ability to use
"Move A Group Of Product Items To A New Location" Form In Place of "Move
Inventory From All Locations (Except Current) To Current Location" Form
Using The Main Screen Selection Menu (Enabled/Disabled in the "Set Inventory
Product, Move Quantity Offsets And Company Logo" Preferences" screen.
3. We
will automatically assume the MS Access top toolbar ribbon is enabled in the
application and turn it off.
4. We have corrected a problem where the
"Address Line" in both "Customer Invoices" and "The Point of Sale Invoice" is
partially blocked by the "Logo" image.
December 30, 2014
1. We have corrected some screen display field sizes when using different screen
December 3, 2014
1. We have added the
capability of selecting and moving a user defined group of "Line Items" in the
"Move Products To/From Locations" screens.
November 24, 2014
1. We have corrected a error in the "Daily Magazine Worksheet Report (Includes
Magazine Weights) (ATF Report)" with "Caselot = 0".
November 5, 2014
1. We have modified
the "Email A Printed Invoice To The Customer" in the "Customer Order" screen to
allow the user to modify the email before it is actually sent to the customer.
2. We have added in the ability to use a "Network Share" besides a "Mapped
Drive" when defining a database location in the "Select A New Drive" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to "Create A Product Excel Spreadsheet File
(Sorted By Category Order)" in the "Products" screen. This includes "Sales
Totals" and "Inventory Totals" columns. This can be used as a basis for creating
a spreadsheet for creating a Web based Catalog.
September 4, 2014
1. We have
corrected the printing of "Item Type" in the "Customer Order" by "Category" if
the printing order is not sent to "Locations".
August 25, 2014
1. We have corrected
the grouping of the line items in a "Customer Order" by "Category" if the
printing order is not sent to "Locations".
August 20, 2014
1. We have correct
some "Location" range screens to show the "Locations" sorted by "Printing
2. We have corrected the "Total Count" amount in the "Shows" and
"Customer Orders" screen to account for empty "Amount In Case" entries.
August 3, 2014
1. We have adding in
the ability to print the "Customer Order Invoice" sorted by "Location" (Set in
the "Customer Order Preferences" screen).
6-31 Made Available For FTP Download
July 28, 2014
1. We have added
the ability to define the "Printing Order" for "Magazines (Locations)" in
the "Locations" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to print
"Customer Order/Show Pull Sheets" sorted by "Magazine Location Printing
3. We have modified all "Reports" that sort by "Location" to use
the "Location Print Order" field when sorting/displaying "Reports" by
July 21, 2014
1. We have added in
the ability to auto-set "MS Access Macro Level" to lowset level for MS
Access 2007, 2010, 2013.
July 17, 2014
1. We have corrected a problem when printing "Customer Invoices" where the
"Caselot (When Enabled)" may not print on the invoice due to a long "Item
Description" forcing the "Description" to be truncated.
July 14, 2014
1. We have correct
a problem where the case were being converted to units when reserving items
in "Shows" and "Customer Order" when using the "Add New Product Items to
Shows/Orders" button.
July 10, 2014
1. We have
corrected the "Product Sold/Used By Supplier Report" report to allow for
empty "Product Descriptions".
2. We have corrected the "Product Sold/Used
By CategoryReport" report to allow for empty "Product Descriptions".
June 30, 2014
1. We have added
the ability to sort by "Category" in the “Product Used/Sold By Category”
2. We have corrected a problem when "Moving Items From One
Location to Another" where the "EX Number" is longer than 12 characters in
June 6, 2014
1. We have added in
"Cases On Order" column to the "Item" dropdown display in the "Shows"
2. We have added in the word "(Demo)" to the serial number on the
"Main Menu" screen to advise a user that they are using a "Demo" version of
the software/database.
May 28, 2014
1. We have added in
the ability to "Print" the "Show/Order/Transfers Summary" screen.
2. We
have added in the ability to set a group of blank/empty "Item Manufacters
Dates and Shift's" to a "Default Value" in the "Preferences" special screen.
May 27, 2014
1. We have made some
additional corrections to the "Daily Magazine WorkSheet" report when using
"Inventory Adjustments" entries.
May 20, 2014
1. We have
reformatted the "Daily Magazine WorkSheet" report when selecting "Use
Comments For Calulations" box is checked.
May 19, 2014
1. We have change
the way the error messages are calculated in the system that identifies when
the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database" is either not accessible or set to
"Read Only".
2. We have added in some new interal table verifications to
the "Daily Magazine WorkSheet" report.
May 18, 2014
1. We have
temporarily turned off the error messages to the system to help identify
when the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database" is either not accessible or set
to "Read Only".
May 14, 2014
1. We have corrected
for a rounding error in the "Initial Cases" column in the "Daily Magazine
WorkSheet" report.
2. We have addede in the ability to automatically save
the last part number used throughout the system and use a "One Click" Icon
to repeat this number in a "Part Number" location or range.
3. We have
added some new error messages to the system to help identify when the "QVIX
Fireworks Inventory Database" is either not accessible or set to "Read
May 11, 2014
1. We have added in
a new utility that "Compares Initial Quantities With Stock In Stock Quanties
And Sold Items And Adjust If Needed".
2. We have corrected a error in the
"Daily Magazine WorkSheet" when a item has multiple caselot quanties that
contain different amounts of units in case.
May 4, 2014
1. We have corrected
the "Daily Worksheet" report to allow for the use of "Comments in it's
May 1, 2014
1. We have added in a
new report named "Product Disposition Report (Sorted By Location)".
2. We
have enhanced the report named "Product Disposition Report (Sorted By
Location)" with a new field called Show/Order Number".
3. We have
enhanced the report named "Product Disposition Report (Sorted By Customer)"
with a new field called Show/Order Number".
4. We have enhanced the
report named "Product Disposition Report" with a new field called Show/Order
5. We have enhanced the report named "Daily Magazine WorkSheet"
by adding in a new line entry containing the inventory totals before the
previous start date, when selecting a date range.
April 29, 2014
1. We have added
in the capability to display a message "Have You Checked Your Posting Date"
to the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens when "Posting" line items.
April 28, 2014
1. We have grouped
all "Customer Order Messages" in the "Customer Order Preferences" screen to
a new seperate screen containing all user defined messages.
April 25, 2014
1. We have added
in the ability to create special messages in the "Customer Order Invoice"
report for "Order Posted", "Order Partially Posted", "Order Not Posted".
These messages can be printed in "Black, Red, Green, or Blue" when set in
the "Customer Information and Custoer Order Preferences" screen.
April 24, 2014
1. We have
released a new software licensing schema making it easier for the customer
to update their QVIX software licenses.
2. We have added in the
capability to Auto-Save a new "Customer/Sponser" information when creating a
new "Customer Order" or "Show" when you Double-Clock" the "Customer" or
"Sponsor" field box.
3. We have removed the ability to select the "Old
Style Bill of Lading" from the "Preferences" screen as this format is now
obsolete by the "D.O.T.".
4. We have added in a new "Bill of Lading"
alternate form that can be selected in the "Preferences" screen.
5. We
have grouped the printing selections for the "Show" screen, "Customer Order"
and "Transfer" screens for better clarity.
6. We have corrected minor
message errors in the "Main Menu" screen.
7. We now support Excel
Spreadsheet ".xslx" file extensions in both "Shows", "Customer Orders" and
"Transfers" for creating and loading Excel Spreadsheets.
8. We have added
"Total Product", "Total Customer", "Total Show" and "Total Customer Order"
counts to the "Main Menu" screen. (Only for Administrator Users).
Made Available For FTP Download
April 15, 2014
1. We
have corrected a problem where the "Customer Order" were being displayed
even when the check box was unchecked in the "List Shows By Month" report.
April 14, 2014
1. We have added
the capability to Display/Print "Emergency
Response Information/Plans" for
"1.1G, 1.2G, 1.3G, 1.4G, 1.4S" Image/PDF formatted documents in the "Shows"
These items are defined in "My Company Information" screen.
March 28, 2014
1. We have
enhanced the "List Shows By Month" report to optionally include "Orders"
with "Shows" and also sort by "Date" besides sort by "Show/Order Name".
March 25, 2014
1. We have updated
the D.O.T. EX Approved numbers for product evaluation in this new release.
March 24, 2014
1. We have
corrected the "Location" selection in the "List Products By Magazine
Location (Prints Magazine Weights Used By ATF) (ATF Report)" report so it
only reports on the "Locations" you have selected for your report.
March 12, 2014
1. We have added a
new selection into the "Click To Set Inventory Product Defaults, Move
Quantity Offsets And Company Logo" "Preferences" tab called "Check Box To
Enable The Purchase Order To Receive Stock As Pieces (Cases * Caselot)
Instead Of Cases".
2. We have added a new feature to the "Purchase Order"
screen to allow for posting of either "Units" or "Cases" to inventory, based
on the mode the user selects.
March 4, 2014
1. We have a new
report named "List Shows By Month (Including Product Used)" in the "Lot
Number Usage, Shows, Devices" group.
2. We have modified the "Product
Price List/Cost By Location" report to take into account the "Purchase Order
Line Costs" when calculating costs for the report.
3. We have modified
the "Product Inventory Cost Totals (As Of Report Date)(Based On In Stock
Quantities)" report to take into account the "Purchase Order Line Costs"
when calculating costs for the report.
February 20, 2014
1. We can now
load inventory items from a spreadsheet using "Column Heading Names" in the
"Load Inventory Data From Spreadsheet/Database" module.
2. We have a new
report named "Product Listing By Location (Up To A Specific Date)" in the
"Product Sales and Magazine Locations" group..
3. We have added in some
new enhancements to the high speed "Point of Sale" module.
November 5, 2013
1. We have modified the ATF reports to remove any line items that have Units=0
and Cases=0 to make the reports clearer.
2. We have added in a new inventory stock quantity modification screen in the
"Enter/View Other Information" screen called "Inventory Magazine
This new screen will make it easier for a user to compare and make manual
updates to their magazine item amounts after taking a physical inventory.
October 7, 2013
1. We have added in the new "Hazard Class" "1.2G" to the Products screen.
October 2, 2013
1. We have added in a new "Initial Quantity Validation Check and Update" module
in the "Click To Go To Data Validation/Testing Screen" in "My Preferences"
2. We have corrected a problem where the "Initial Quantities" in "Shows" and
"Customer Orders" may set this field to a empty amount.
3. We have added in a new report called "Product Inventory Totals Report (With Purchase Order Received and Posted Totals)" in the "POS Invoice, Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments, Misc."
September 25, 2013
1. We have added in a new report called "Product Inventory By Location Report
(Includes Location and Item Weight, Hazard Class, UN Number"" in the "Product
Price Lists Reports" tab.
September 24, 2013
1. We have added the "Comments" field to "Create A In Stock CSV File" in the
"Products" screen.
September 20, 2013
1. We have corrected a problem where
extra "Stock Entry Lines" with zero stock amounts were created when "Moving
Shows, Orders, Transfer to a Reserve Location"
2. We now show the first
"Year Active Show Entry" when selecting a "Different Year Selection to
Display" in "Shows" and "Customer Orders"."
September 3, 2013
1. We have added in a new high speed capability called
"Point of Sale" to the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory System".
This new feature supports
auto-posting of the line items and accepts direct "Laser Scanner" data entries.
The line entries will auto-match the closest part
numbers as the entry is keyed in.
We also support automatic discounted entries such as:
A. Buy 1 Get 1 Item Free
B. Buy 1 Item, Get 1 Item at 50%
C. Buy 2 Items, Get 1 Item Free.
2. We have added in a new
"Promo Code" feature to the "Point of Sale" module. This handles "Promotional
Discounts and Coupons for the P.O.S. Customers".
3. We have added in a new "My Preferences (Point of
Sale) capability to the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory System".
4. We have added a new "Inventory Used In Show/Orders
Report (By Show/Order Date)" report.
5. We have enhanced the "Product Inventory Cost"
report and rename it "Product Inventory Cost Totals Report (Based On Initial
Stock - Quantity Sold)".
6. We have enhanced the "Product Inventory Cost Totals
(As Of Report Date)" report and rename it "Product Inventory Cost Totals (As Of
Report Date)(Based On In Stock Quantities)".
September 3, 2013
1. We have added in a new high speed capability called
"Point of Sale" to the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory System".
This new feature supports
auto-posting of the line items and accepts direct "Laser Scanner" data entries.
The line entries will auto-match the closest part
numbers as the entry is keyed in.
We also support automatic discounted entries such as:
A. Buy 1 Get 1 Item Free
B. Buy 1 Item, Get 1 Item at 50%
C. Buy 2 Items, Get 1 Item Free.
2. We have added in a new
"Promo Code" feature to the "Point of Sale" module. This handles "Promotional
Discounts and Coupons for the P.O.S. Customers".
3. We have added in a new "My Preferences (Point of
Sale) capability to the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory System".
4. We have added a new "Inventory Used In Show/Orders
Report (By Show/Order Date)" report.
5. We have enhanced the "Product Inventory Cost"
report and rename it "Product Inventory Cost Totals Report (Based On Initial
Stock - Quantity Sold)".
6. We have enhanced the "Product Inventory Cost Totals
(As Of Report Date)" report and rename it "Product Inventory Cost Totals (As Of
Report Date)(Based On In Stock Quantities)".
Made Available For FTP Download
August 9, 2013
1. We now support UNC data paths for the QVIX source location folder.
6-27 Made Available For FTP Download
August 8, 2013
1. We have added in a new feature called "Point In Time". This feature allows
users to go back in time and recover a "QVIX Inventory" database so that they
may run all reports as if everything was at the selected point (date) in time.
The user can then go back to their original "QVIX Inventory" database current
date and time upon completion. This is a fantastic tool for when the ATF wants
to see what your inventory, magazines or customers looked like for a date in the
past. You can also use this feature to go back in time and look at how your
inventory, shows, and customer orders were entered at any point in the past.
6-25 made available for FTP Download
1, 2013
1. We have added in new fields "Units In Stock", "Cases In Stock", and we now
allow the user to set the minimum number of "Not Sold Days" for the "Last Date
Product Sold (Number of Days)" report.
July 31, 2013
1. We have added a check for a missing table (ActiveShowOrderTable) in the
"Inventory System" and reinsert it if it is missing.
2. We have enhanced the software exit routines to close any remaining sub-tasks
when exiting the "Inventory System"
29, 2013
1. We have modified the "Product Cost For Shows Report" to include "Customer
Orders" also.
24, 2013
1. We have corrected a problem where the pre-set "Initial Units" and "Initial
Cases" for creating new "Show" lines in the "Preferences" was not saved
correctly when a user modified it in the "Show Preferences".
20, 2013
1. We have corrected the automatic download/install software feature.
17, 2013
1. We have corrected a date display error in the automatically Backup (and
Restore) the "Primary Database" once a day function.
15, 2013
1. We have added in a new report called "Last Date Product Sold (Number of
Days)(In Stock Only)" to the "Product Costs and Magazine Locations" tab.
July 8, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to automatically Backup (and Restore) the
"Primary Database" once a day for the last seven days of activity.
2. We have added in the ability to pre-set "Initial Units" and "Initial Cases"
for creating new "Show" lines in the "Preferences".
6-23 made available for FTP Download
3, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to "Print Laser Label For Selected A Line Only"
in the "Purchase Order" screen.
15, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to "Disable/Enable Using Manufacture Date When
Selecting Line Item Locations in Shows/Orders" in the "My Bill Of Lading And
Common Show/Order Preferences" screen.
14, 2013
1. We have corrected a display error in the "Products" screen when selecting the
"View Reserve" tab.
10, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to "Show Only Oversold Only" line items in the
"Products" screen when selecting the "View Reserve" tab.
2. We have modified the "Show/Customer Order" import module to make sure the
imported line items are set to "Posted = No".
3. WE have added in the ability to check for "Oversold" products and warn the
user when moving items in the "Move Stock" screen.
26, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to view "Reserve Quantities For Specific
Locations and Manufacture Dates" in the "Products" screen "Reserve" tab.
2. We have modified the "Customers" screen to use new database library routines
to correct for any new record errors.
12, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to "Disable/Enable Printing Quantities (Pieces,
Cases) In The Description In The Bill of Lading" in the "Bill of Lading"
Preferences screen.
11, 2013
1. We have corrected a problem where if "Do not allow the user to over sell a
product in a specific location" were checked, the "PO Cost" and "PO Case Cost"
amounts would not give the correct "Reserve Amounts Available".
3, 2013
1. We have added in the ability to "Rebuild The High Speed Index Product Table"
in the "Preference", "Validation" screen.
15, 2013
1. We have updated the record write function for "Do not allow the user to over
sell a product in a specific location" to commit the records faster for
multi-user systems.
2. We have corrected a problem when the "Units" amount is blank, it would not
deduct the "Case" amounts correctly in the following reports:
"Inventory Product Usage By Category Report (ATF Report)"
"Inventory Product Usage By Supplier Report (ATF Report)"
"Inventory Product Usage By Magazine Report (ATF Report)"
7, 2013
1. We have added "Line Item Cost" calculations to the "Product Inventory Totals
Report For A Date Range (Inventory Point In Time) (Includes User Selectable
Retail Prices And Cost Totals)
(ATF Report)".
2. We have added the following new fields to the "Create A Stock CSV File" in
the "Products" screen.
"Product Unit Cost", "Product Case Cost", "Line Item Unit Cost", "Line Item Case
3. We have removed the dependencies between the functions "Do not allow the
user to over sell a product" and "Do not allow the user to over sell a product
in a specific location".
1, 2013
1. We have modified the software to better support MS Access 2010 module
February 29, 2013
1. We have corrected a display error when using MS Access 2010 when a user
"Double-Clicks" on a "Sponsor" in the "Show" screen, the "Customer" screen may
not appear.
February 27, 2013
1. We have addressed some possible restricted user login problems that may occur
in the "Customer", "Shows", and "Orders" screen restrictions.
February 25, 2013
1. We have added a new report called "Inventory Listing By Location By Bin
Number Report" in the "Product Costs and Magazine Locations" report tab.
2. We have added the "Bin Number" to the "Detail Information" when "Detail" box
is checked in the following reports:
a. Product Listing By Location Report
b. Product Listing By Location By Category Report
c. Product Listing By Location By Supplier Report
February 24, 2013
1. We have corrected an error when you "Post Inventory From Any Location" button
may not post all items in the "Show/Order" screens.
February 22, 2013
1. We have updated the "EX Numbers" to the currently approved "EX Numbers" in
the D.O.T. approved "EX Number" list.
February 21, 2013
1. We have corrected additional Microsoft Access version errors that may occur
based on the release and patch level for Microsoft Access.
February 20, 2013
1. We have corrected a problem where an error can occur while moving product
from one location to another in the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
February 14, 2013
1. We have enhanced the "Total Cost" calculations in the "Products" screen to
take in account different "Inventory Stock Line" "Costs" from "Products" screen
2. We have expanded the "EX Number" character length from a maximum of 12
characters to 65,538 characters in length in the "Products" screen to handle
multiple "EX Numbers" for a product.
3. We have moved the "Order Number" for the "Customer Order Invoice" to the top
right hand side of the invoice so that it will print on every page.
4. We have added in the ability to "Disable/Enable Printing Blank Spaces Between
The Totals And The COD Box In A Bill of Lading" (Set in the "Bill of Lading
February 12, 2013
1. We have modified "Shows", "Customer Orders", "Products", "Move Stock",
"Adjustments", "Transfers", and "Show Wizard" screens to support screen
resolutions lower than 1024 in the "Y" direction.
January 20, 2013
1. We have corrected a error in the "Products" screen when it would exit the
system when entering new items and exiting without completing the entire entry.
January 18, 2013
1. We have added in a new field called "Tax Exempt Expiration Date" to the
"Customers" screen.
2. We have added a new field called "Cost" to the "View Storage Locations (With
Initial Quantities) Tab" in the "Products" screen and "Select Locations"
sub-screen (Shows/Orders).
3. We have added a new field called "Case Cost" to the "View Storage Locations
(With Initial Quantities) Tab" in the "Products" screen and "Select Locations"
sub-screen (Shows/Orders).
4. We have added a new feature called "Manual Price Adjustments" in the "New
Price Calculator" screen.
6-21 made available for FTP Download
January 11, 2013
We have added in a new report called "List Shows And Orders Totals By
Salesperson" under the "Lot Number Usage, Shows, Devices" tab in the "Report
December 7, 2012
1. We have corrected a minor problem "Shows/Orders" header and the "Product
Inventory Totals" report for "Reserved Quantities" when "Erasing All Product
December 5, 2012
1. We have corrected a minor display problem in the "Products" screen "View
Reserve" and "View Bids" tabs.
2. We have added in conditional support for Microsoft Office 64 bit support.
(Future release).
3. We have added in the ability to reset all "Shows/Orders" to "Bids" in place of "Reserved" when "Erasing All Product History".
November 28, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to "Delete All Active Inventory" (But keep all
product information) to the "Load Inventory Data From Spreadsheet" screen.
2. We have corrected some minor display fields in the "Show" and "Customer
Order" screens.
November 8, 2012
1. We have added in a special selection box in the "Data Validation" screen
(From Preferences) that "Fills In Blank (Empty) Posted Purchase Order Line Item
Receive Dates".
This will allow the "Product Acquisition Report - From Purchase Orders (ATF
Report)" to report accurate "Purchase Order" line item entries.
November 1, 2012
1. We have added in a new tab called "Commonly Requested Reports By The ATF" to
the "Select Your Report" screen.
October 31, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where a new show may be not include transfer
information in it.
October 29, 2012
1. New updates to the "QVIX-Fire Fireworks Show Choreography Software"
A. We have modified the visual waveform display to center on
the vertical midpoint of the graph.
B. We have enhanced the visual waveform display to better
display the waveform and markers.
C. We have added 125% and 150% visual waveform display
October 23, 2012
1. Added in a new feature that allows the user to "Enter/View Local Site To
Remote Site Transfers".
2. We now support the FREE "Microsoft Runtime Only Version of Access 2007" for
running QVIX Business Systems Inc. software.
3. We now support the FREE "Microsoft Runtime Only Version of Access 2010" for
running QVIX Business Systems Inc. software.
September 24, 2012
1. We have added the ability to "Not Print Comments" in the "Product Acquisition
2. We have added in the ability to "Disregard Product Movement Locations" in the
"Product Acquisition Report".
3. We have added in a new report called "Product Acquisition Report (From
Purchase Orders)".
September 11, 2012
1. We have added a new report called "Product Used In A Group Of Shows".
2. We have corrected some minor errors in the "Demo Database" fields.
August 26, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when creating a "Product CSF File For A List Of
Stock Items", that prompts for a "Reserved Quantity", the file would be empty.
2. We have replaced missing or blank "Time Delay" entries with "0.00" seconds
when creating a firing software file in the "Choreography" software for the PyroSure" Firing System.
August 23, 2012
1. We have corrected a "Sitemap" display problem when using a networked with a
mapped drive that is set to "C:\QVIX" instead of "C:\".
2. We have enhanced all sub-widow display screens that contain "Columns"
(Automatically expand all column widths) when the
"Do Not Enlarge Screen Labels and Fields To Maximum Screen Resolution Size When
Viewing Selected Windows" is not checked in the
"Click To Set Screen Display Preferences and View Database Text Field Maximum
Sizes" preferences screen.
August 22, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where empty "Sitemap" values would stop the
"Customer" screen from displaying.
2. We have added in the ability to "Display/Print A Show Sitmap" in the "Show" screen.
August 21, 2012
1. We have added the "Cobra" firing system to our list of supported firing
systems for the "Inventory" and "Choreography" software systems.
2. We have added in the capability to Save, Display, and Print A "Customers
Sitemap" (JPG, BMP, and PDF formats supported) For A Show".
August 7, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when using "Microsoft Access 2010" the printing
of a single "Bill of Lading" from a "Show" or "Customer Order" prints all "Bill
of Ladings".
August 2, 2012
1. We have added in a "Help" button on the "Main" screen, to provide both a
"Phone Number" and a "Email" method for getting immediate help or answering
2. We have enhanced the "Backup Status Button" on the "Main" screen to display
more current information on when a "Last Backup" was performed.
August 1, 2012
1. We have modified the "Product Used By Customer" report to calculate totals
based on pages printed instead of pages formatted for printing.
31, 2012
1. We have consolidated routines in order to make the system more efficient.
2. We have enhanced the "Selection Tabs" in the "Preview Reports" screen.
3. We have enhanced the "Selection Tabs" in the "Products" screen.
4. We have revised the "Preferences" fields to correctly load "User Saved
Preferences" correctly.
27, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Last Inventory Taken Date" may stop
reports from printing if the date was never set.
6-17 made
available for FTP Download
July 22, 2012
1. We have added in the ability for new inventory users to have a limited
version (Maximum number of Magazines) available at a reduced price.
A. "Entry Level" has a maximum limit of 1 magazine.
B. "Low Level" has a maximum limit of 3 magazines.
C. "Unrestricted Level" has no limits on number of magazines.
6-15 made available for FTP Download
July 10, 2012
1. We have corrected some "Data Query" errors in the "Create Custom Reports"
2. We have added in the ability to add "Include Or Disregard" line items marked
as "Reserved = No" to a "FireOne Update.mdb Database" in the "Shows/Customer
Orders" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to sum all "Line Item Quantities For Duplicate
Line Part Numbers (And Not Create A New Line Entry)" when writing to a "FireOne
Update.mdb Database" in the "Shows/Customer Orders" screen.
July 6, 2012
1. We have added the "Caselot" to the "Location Sub-Screen" in the "Show and
Customer Order Line Selection" screens.
2. We have added the "Amount In Case" to the "Line Item Caselot" when selecting
a "Location (Double Click)" in the "Show and Customer Order Line Selection"
3. We have added the ability to display the "(Caselot = XX)" amount to the "Show
and Customer Order Line Item Status Description" at the bottom of the "Product
Sold" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to view/print the "How To Create Multiple Users
Document" in the "Main Menu" screen.
June 29, 2012
1. We have added the "Caselot" to the "Location Sub-Screen" in the "Show and
Customer Order Line Selection" screens.
2. We have added the "Amount In Case" to the "Line Item Caselot" when selecting
a "Location (Double Click)" in the "Show and Customer Order Line Selection"
3. We have added the ability to display the "(Caselot = XX)" amount to the "Show
and Customer Order Line Item Status Description" at the bottom of the "Product
Sold" screen.
June 21, 2012
1. We have made the following corrections for creating entries in a "FileOne
Update.mdb Database".
A) We have corrected for empty or invalid "Currency" amounts for "FireOne Cost
and Price" fields.
B) As the "FileOne Update.mdb Database" does not allow for duplicate "Line Part
Numbers" in their line entries, we will repeatedly append the text "-X" to any
duplicate Customer/Show Line Part Numbers" encountered.
June 18, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Inventory List By Supplier (Includes
Items On Reserve)" report may not display any data.
June 11, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to select a "Source Location" when adding
(Creating) new "Assemblies" to a "Grouped" inventory item in the "Products"
June 7, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to create a Excel csv spreadsheet in the
"Customer Orders" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to add "Customer Order Line Item Entries" to a "FileOne
Update.mdb Database" in the "Customer Orders" screen.
3. We have made a slight adjustment to the bottom of the "Customer Order
Invoice" to stop any text from being truncated on the bottom of the page.
June 4, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem in the "Load New Inventory From A Spreadsheet"
when quotation marks are imbedded in the fields.
June 3, 2012
1. WE have corrected a problem where some "Login Password" combinations would
not allow you to login into the system.
May 29, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem in the "Select Pull Sheet By Magazine Shows and
Orders" report where some combinations of selections did not display any
May 21, 2012
1. We have corrected a "Show Number" verse "Order Number" possible conflict when
using the same number for both "Shows" and "Customer Number".
2. We have added in the ability to see all the current "Login In Users" to the
QVIX Fireworks Inventory System (Top of Main Menu Screen).
May 16, 2012
1. We have corrected a possible sharing error that may occur in a multi-user
May 15, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when you enable "Restricted Selling of Cases" in
the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens.
May 14, 2012
1. We have added support for using the "QVIX Inventory Fireworks Inventory
System" remotely anywhere in the world that an internet connection can be
established for any "Laptop or iPad".
2. We have added in "Case Price" as part of the "Total Price" calculation in the
"Product Sold - By Supplier" report.
3. We have added in a new column "Total Order + Sales Tax" to the "Sales Tax
Report By Month (Customer Orders)" report.
May 9, 2012
1. We have modified the database access routines to decrease the time the system
takes to update its records when changing line quantities for the "Shows" and
"Customer Orders" screen.
2. We have added "Music Audio" waveform display and user interaction to the "QVIX Firing System Choreography" software.
6-13 made available for FTP Download
May 7, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to suppress "Detail Item and Show/Order"
information in the "Select Pull Sheet By Magazine Shows and Orders" report.
April 25, 2012
1. We have added in a warning message in the "Products" screen when an item is
no longer in a "Group (Assembly), yet has "Sub-Assembly" line items assigned to
2. We have added in the ability to see what users are currently using the "QVIX
Fireworks Inventory System" in a multi-User environment.
April 24, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to "Group Duplicate Show Line Items" into a
"Single Line Item" for the "Show Pull Sheet" report. (Set in Show Preferences)
April 23, 2012
1. We have enabled "Database Compression" for "MS Access 2010" 32/64 bit for
Windows 7.
April 12, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Show Name" or "Customer Order
Description" contained special characters that Microsoft could not process as a
file name.
April 11, 2012
1. We have corrected a empty (null) calculation error in a report called
"Product Inventory By Supplier Report (Includes Item On Reserve For Comparison)"
2. We have added in the ability to enable/disable in the "Show Preferences" the
"Do Not Auto Verify/Update Existing Reserve Amounts That Are Over Sold When
Displaying A Show" calculation.
3. We have added in the ability to enable/disable in the "Customer Order
Preferences" the "Do Not Auto Verify/Update Existing Reserve Amounts That Are
Over Sold When Displaying A Customer Order" calculation.
April 10, 2012
1. We have released a new report called "Product Inventory By Supplier Report
(Includes Item On Reserve For Comparison)" in the "Product Price Lists Reports"
2. We have moved the "Product Selected Color Status Bar" to below the "Item
Group Block Display" for the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens.
3. We have added in the ability to position the cursor at the "Show Number" or
"Show Description" when entering the "Shows" screen (Set In the Show
4. We have added in the ability to position the cursor at the "Order Number" or
"Order Description" when entering the "Customer Orders" screen (Set In the
Customer Order Preferences).
April 9, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where if the 1st "Customer Order" is "Locked",
then the system will not display that order and will exit the screen.
April 4, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where it was incorrectly including "Not On
Reserve" items in its calculation of total "Reserved Items Amounts" for a
specific "Location" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen.
March 23, 2012
1. We have modified the "Shows/Customer Order" screens to disregard
“Salesperson” replacement if the user is an “Administrator” and "Logins" and
"Passwords" are used when "Creating A New Show/Order From An Existing
March 20, 2012
1. We have added in a new "Product Inventory By Supplier Report (Includes Item
Weights)" report.
2. We have corrected negative units (Corrected by deducting 1 case and adding
CaseLot to Units) in the "Daily Magazine Worksheet Report" Report.
March 19, 2012
1. We have corrected a calculation problem in the "Product Inventory Totals
Report For A Date Range (Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost
Totals)" report.
2. We have updated the internal Cloud Upload/Download Database password.
March 12, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Customer Discount Percentage" from a
"Customer Record" was not being transferred to a new "Customer Order" in the
"Customer Order" screen.
March 8, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when viewing "Select Reserve Locations" in the
"Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen where line items containing blank "EX
Numbers" were not allowing user selection..
March 6, 2012
1. We have corrected a year end calculation error in the "Product Inventory Cost
or List Price Report (Grouped By Category and Supplier)" report.
2. We have corrected a year end calculation error in the "Product Inventory
Totals Report For A Date Range (Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost
Totals)" report.
March 5, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when viewing "Select Reserve Locations" in the
"Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen where line items were not using
"Manufacture Date" when calculating amounts.
2. We have more corrected a problem when a "Purchase Order" may be counted twice
in the "Daily Magazine Report".
March 2, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when viewing "Select Reserve Locations" in the
"Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen where line items containing may show twice
the "In Stock" amounts.
March 1, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem when viewing "Select Reserve Locations" in the
"Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen where line items containing no reserve
amounts were not displaying.
February 28, 2012
1. We have corrected a specific "Reserve Location" amount available calculation
when viewing "Select Reserve Locations" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders"
February 27, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to remove the "C.O.D." information from the
"Bill Of Lading" for a "Customer Order".
2. We have modified the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to allow for different
caselot amounts between a "Purchase Order" and its "In Stock Inventory" record.
3. We have corrected a problem where last years "Shows" did not display
correctly in the "QVIX Firing System Choreography" software.
4. We have added in "Pieces Reserved", "Cases Reserved", "Pieces Available", and
"Cases Available" when double clicking on the "Location(Res)" field in the line
items section in "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens.
5. We have corrected a "Reserve For a Specific Location" calculation error when
in a "Show" or "Customer Order".
6. We have added in the ability to view the "Currently Selected Line Item
Description" while updating the "Line Item Description" in the "Shows" and
"Customer Orders" screens.
7. We have added in the ability to display in color the "Currently Selected Line
Item Description" (, Cyan = Okay, Pink = Requested > In Stock, Yellow =
Requested > (In Stock - Reserved)) in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens.
6-11 made available for FTP Download
February 22, 2012
1. We have added in the ability to remove the "C.O.D." information from the
"Bill Of Lading" for a "Customer Order".
2. We have modified the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to allow for different
caselot amounts between a "Purchase Order" and its "In Stock Inventory" record.
3. We have corrected a problem where last years "Shows" did not display correctly in the "QVIX Firing System Choreography" software.
February 17, 2012
1. We have corrected the label in the "Alternate Waybill" report to show "Net
Explosive Mass" instead of "Net Explosive Weight" in the Total line.
February 16, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem in the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" where
blank/empty "Purchase Order" transaction line items were terminating the report
2. We have corrected the problem when modifying the "Sales Tax" amount for a "Customer Order" so that it saves the new "Sales Tax Percentage" correctly.
February 15, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem in the "Bill of Lading" where the "Carrier" for a
"Show" was not using the "Show Sponsor Alternate Carrier Name" correctly.
February 13, 2012
1. We have more closely integrated the "Purchase Order" line items with the "In
Stock" line items for the "Daily Magazine Report" where the original "Purchase
Order" amounts were not calculating correctly.
February 12, 2012
1. We have corrected a problem in the "Daily Magazine Report" where the original
"Purchase Order" amounts were not calculating correctly.
2. We have corrected the label in the "Waybill" report to show "Net Explosive
Mass" instead of "Net Explosive Weight" in the Total line.
3. We have added in a new field in the "My Company Information" called "Shipper
Name" for use in the "Waybill" to show a different "Shipper Name" in place of
your "Company Name".
4. We have added in a new feature in the "Show Preferences" that allows a user
to NOT place on "Reserve" any "Equipment" returned from a show.
January 20, 2012
1. We have added a new report named "Product Listing By EX Number (Grouped By
Location)" in the "Product Costs and Magazine Locations" tab.
January 5, 2012
1. We have added in "Grand Totals" to the "List Products By Magazine Location
(Prints Magazine Weights Used By ATF)" report.
December 20, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to Enable/Disable Using The Source Locations Bin
Number When Moving Inventory And The Target Locations Bin Number Is Blank or
November 29,2011
1. We have added in "Item" to the "Weight" description in the "Load Inventory
Data From Spreadsheet" screen.
2. We have added in "Records Updated" and "Total Records Read" into the "Record
Count" field in the "Load Inventory Data From Spreadsheet" screen.
3. We have corrected the "Default Category" field in the "Load Inventory Data
From Spreadsheet" screen to allow for the correct "Category".
4. We have added in the ability to select "This Year & Next Year" Shows/Orders
in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens.
November 10, 2011
1. We have corrected the "Product Inventory Cost or List Price Report (Grouped
By Category and Supplier)" report to use "Initial Quantities" in place of "Stock
Quantities" for its calculations.
November 9, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem when importing new/updated "Products" from a CSV
file, the system would display zero updates entered.
November 4, 2011
1. We have redesigned the "Product Inventory Cost or List Price Report (Grouped
By Category and Supplier)" report and also added in the ability to turn off
"Category" and "Supplier" groupings.
2. We have redesigned the "Product Inventory Totals Report For A Date Range
(Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost Totals)" report and also added
in the ability to turn off "Category" and "Supplier" groupings.
3. We have added in a new "Inventory Report - Compare (In Stock) To (Initial
Stock - Sold)" report.
4. We have grouped all "Inventory Reports Containing Costs" to the "Costs,
Purchases, Expenses, Payments" report tab.
October 24, 2011
1. We have updated the "EX Number DOT Database" list to currently published DOT
information in the QVIX Fireworks Inventory System.
October 18, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to "Post" line items containing more stock than
currently exists in the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens and
automatically create a new "Un-Posted" line item containing the remaining out of
stock quantity.
2. We have enhanced returning "Show" and "Customer Order" partial and full line
item quantities to stock and matching "Initial Quantities" with the quantities
3. We have added in a new field "Weight" (If ending in Kg, then in Kilograms
else Pounds) when "Importing Inventory From A Spreadsheet".
October 14, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to browse and create folders in the "Backup
Database" screen.
2. We have added in the monitoring of "Last Backup Status" and will change the
color of the "Backup Button" on the "Main Menu" screen based on how many days
have past since the last database backup.
3. We have added in a new report called "Product Inventory Costs Report (As Of
Report Date)" in the "Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments" tab.
4. We have added in a new report called "Product Inventory Retail Price Report
(As Of Report Date)" in the "Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments" tab.
October 11, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to assign "Alternate Shipping Address
Information" based on the "Customer Order" or "Show" for the "Bill of Lading"
October 5, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to replace the original "My Company Name" for
all "Shows" and "Customer Orders" with a different "My Company Name".
October 4, 2011
1. We have enhanced the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screen display line items
colors (Posted = Green, Not Posted and not Reserved = Blue).
2. We have corrected a Total Cost" display problem in the "Product List/Cost
Price By Location (Plus Totals)" report when the "Item Cost" is blank (Not zero)
in the "Product" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to display detail "In Stock" line items (Upper
right hand screen) in the "Shows", "Customer Orders", and
"Inventory-Adjustments" screens.
September 21,2011
1. Added firing angle to the "Show Line" field list to support firing shells
from different angles for the "QVIX Firing System Choreography" software.
September 16, 2011
1. We have corrected a situation when software that has been INCORRECTLY undated
may not update correctly.
September 12, 2011
1. We have added in a new software system called "QVIX Firing System
Choreography" for free to all Inventory License users.
2. We have added a check to make sure the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database" is
Read/Write Enabled and all fields are correctly initialized.
3. We have improved the searching/displaying of the "EX Number" in the
"Products" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to go to the "Purchase Order" screen from the
"Main Menu" screen.
5. We have added the "Caselot" field to the "Product Used By Customer - Summary
and Detail" report.
6. We have added in the capability to specify a user defined "Post Date" when
posting line items in the "Customer Order" screen.
7. We have added in a new field called "Firing System Name" to be used for
formatting the "Firing Location" for different types of "Firing Systems".
8. We have added new fields in the "Shows" and "Show Line" screens to support
the "QVIX Firing System Choreography" software.
9. We have added in a new field called "Federal License Number 2" in the "My
Company Information" screen and in the " Product Used By Customer" report.
10. We have added in a new field called "Federal License Expiration Date 2" in
the "My Company Information" screen.
11. We have added in a new field called "Firing System" to the "My Company
Information" screen.
12. We have added in the ability to "Display Magazine License Numbers" in the
"List Products By Magazine Location (Prints Magazine Weights Used By ATF)"
6-09 made available for FTP Download
August 4, 2011
1. We have corrected a situation when software that has not been undated for a
long period may not update correctly.
August 2, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to create "Product Movement Spreadsheet Lists"
in the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
These spreadsheets can be exported to Apple iPad, iPods, and iPhones along with
other type of Tablets.
2. We have decreased the barcode label size for the "Show/Order Pull Sheet" and
"Laser Label (4" X6") Landscape" report.
August 1, 2011
1. We have decreased the top and bottom margins for the "Show/Order Pull Sheet"
and "Laser Label (4" X6") Landscape" reports.
2. We have corrected a posting error with blank bin locations.
July 29, 2011
1. We have decreased the left and right hand margins for the "Show/Order Pull
Sheet" and "Laser Label (4" X6") Landscape" reports.
July 25, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to check for an existing "Bin Location" and
update the item using this "Bin Location" when moving items from one "Location"
to another "Location".
2. When splitting a "Product Inventory Line Item" into to parts, the new created
"Product Line Items Comment" field will only contain the new "Split" information
(The original Comments from the original line are overwritten).
3. We have added in the ability to track all "Check Box" selection changes to
the logging file.
4. We have added in the ability to "Create A Show Line Export File (For Use In
Show Firing and Choreography Systems)" in the "Shows" screen.
6-07 made available for FTP Download
July 20, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem when adding new reports to the "Report" screen,
the "Grant Report Selections Box" the "Restricted Users Access Button For Each
Report" was not copying over correctly.
2. We have corrected the "Case Price" for the "List Product Used By Customer -
Summary and Detail" report.
July 19, 2011
1. We have added a new report called "Product Laser Label Printing Report (Box
Label) (Landscape)".
2. We have corrected selection errors in the "Product Laser Label Printing
Report (Box Label)" reports.
3. We have added a "Detail Selection Box" to the "List Product Used By Customer - Summary and Detail" report.
July 18, 2011
1. We have added in the additional ability to add in "Optional Amount" when
selecting "Purchase Order Information" from the drop-down box to the "Edit Line
Comments" in the "Products" screen on the "Line Comments" field.
2. We have added a new report called "List Product Used By Customer - Summary
and Detail" to the "Customer, Supplier, Trucks, Category Information" tab.
July 15, 2011
1. We have corrected an error in the "Copy From Existing Show/Order" in the
"Shows" and "Orders" screen.
2. We have corrected the "Grand Totals" amount in the "Product Used By Customer
- Totals" report.
July 13, 2011
1. We have added in the additional ability to add in "Purchase Order
Information" as a drop-down box to the "Edit Line Comments" in the "Products"
screen on the "Line Comments" field.
July 12, 2011
1. We have added in a new "Show Status" that says "Show Status: Partially Posted
(Equipment Not)".
2. We have set the "Show Line Reserve Location" to the "Return Loc." if that
location is selected when returning "Equipment" or "Fireworks" in a "Show".
3. We have set the Customer Order Line Reserve Location" to the "Return Loc." if
that location is selected when returning "Fireworks" in a "Customer Order".
4. We have added in the ability to selectively "Edit Line Comments" in the
"Products" screen by "Double-Clicking" on the "Line Comments" field and adding
additional comments from drop-down boxes
July 10, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to update "Shows" and " Customer Orders" by
importing "Payment Information" from the "QVIX Accounts Receivable System".
2. We have converted the "Inventory Stock Comments" field to a larger "Memo"
field (65535 Characters in Size).
June 27, 2011
1. We have corrected the "Inventory Calculations" in the "Daily Magazine
WorkSheet" report.
2. We have added in the ability to "Edit Line Comments" in the "Products" screen
by "Double-Clicking" on the "Line Comments" field.
June 22, 2011
1. We have corrected the "Page Numbering" and "Quantity Calculations" in the
"Show And Order Pull Sheet - By Magazine" report.
June 21, 2011
1. We have added in the ability for the "Product Inventory Totals Report For A
Date Range (Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost Totals)" Report
(Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost Totals)" report to use "Case"
prices, if "Unit" prices are equal to zero.
2. We have added in the ability for the "Product Inventory Totals Comparing Two
Different Date Periods" Report (Includes User Selectable Retail Prices And Cost
Totals)" report to use "Case" prices, if "Unit" prices are equal to zero.
June 20, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Line Item Notes" in the "Customer
Invoice" may not print if there are printable "Manufacture Date, Shift, or
Supplier Information" present.
2. We have added the ability to enable the printing of a "Products Restrictions"
in the "Show/Order Invoice Line Items" (Enabled in the "Preferences").
3. We have added "Show/Order Number" to the "Show And Order Pull Sheet - By
Magazine" report summary at the end of the report.
4. We have correct the calculation for "Grand Totals" in the "Show And Order
Pull Sheet - By Magazine" report.
5. We have added the "Database Type Information" to the "QVIX Information"
window on the "Main Menu".
6-05 made available for FTP Download
June 17, 2011
1. We have added a new equipment report called "Equipment Listing By Location
(Includes Reserved)" in the "Product Costs and Magazine Locations" tab.
June 16, 2011
1. We have cleared out the "Payment" fields in both "Shows" and "customer
Orders" when creating a "New Show/Order" from an existing "Show/Order".
2. We have added in the ability to scroll the Location (res)" line item field
when the user "double-Clicks" on that field in both "Show" and "Customer Order"
June 13, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Product Laser Label Printing Report
(Single 1" X 3")" report would not print properly.
June 2, 2011
1. We have increased the size of the "Date" field on the "Bill of Lading"
2. We have corrected a problem with the "Create A Spreadsheet" options
selections where it may not remember some settings in the "Show Preferences"
3. We have added in the following new features to "Create Excel Spreadsheet For
This Order/Show" in the "Orders/Shows" screen:
A) "Include Cases In Stock Quantities"
B) "Convert Cases To Units (Multiply Caselot * Case Quantity and add to Units)"
4. We have corrected a problem where a "Category" overflowing onto a second page
may give an incorrect total amount in the "Shows and Orders Pullsheet By
Magazine" report.
May 24, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where "Customer Orders" may not be appearing in
the "Show And Order Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report" report.
2. We have modified the "Show And Order Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report"
report to display "Shows" and "Customer Orders" by "Show/Order Date" in the
"Selection Screen".
May 19, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem when using a date range of second quarter, the
end date is incorrectly showing "6/31/11" instead of "6/30/11".
2. We have increased the printing field size for "Pickup Date" in the "Customer
Invoice" report.
May 17, 2011
1. We have reduced the "Line Entries" containing "EX Numbers" when a user select
"Disable Printing Line Item Descriptions (Shells, Finale, Ground, Misc.) In A
Bill of Lading" from the "Preferences" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to print "Show/Order Box Number Laser Labels" in
the "Print Box Number Laser Labels (4" by 6")" report.
May 16, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to "Pull Stock or "Return Stock" by
selecting "Box Numbers" in "Shows" and "Customer Order".
2. We have added in the ability to "Pull Stock or "Return Stock" by scanning
"Boxes" with a Laser scanner in "Shows" and "Customer Order".
3. We have added in the ability to "Pull Stock or "Return Stock" by selecting
"Box Numbers" in "Shows" and "Customer Order" from a text file downloaded from a
laser scanner.
4. We have added in the ability to "Pull Stock or "Return Stock" by scanning
"Boxes" with a Laser scanner in "Shows" and "Customer Order" from a text file
downloaded from a laser scanner.
5. We have added in the ability to print "Show/Order Box Number Laser Labels" in
the "Print Box Number Laser Labels" report.
6-03 made available for FTP Download
May 10, 2011
1. WE have modified the "Products", "Inventory Stock" and "Customers"
spreadsheet creation routines to allow for imbedded "Quotation Marks" and
May 8, 2011
1. We have added in a new feature that allows the "Administrator" to "Lock From
Changes" both "Shows" and "Customer Orders". (This feature requires you to
enable "User Logins").
2. We have corrected a problem where "Products" that have no (Blank) "Hazard
Class" or no (Blank) "Package Group" would not have it's weight added to the
"Bill Of Lading".
3. We have corrected a problem when a "Show" or "Customer Order" always would
display "Status (Bid) when the "Show" or "Customer Order" only contains
May 6, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Category Count" was incorrect when the
"Category" spanned more than 1 page in the "Customer Order Invoice" report.
May 5, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to create a "Product Stock CSV Spreadsheet" (New
Button) in the "Products" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to print "Show Invoice Line Items" in "Red" if
the "Total Units (Including Cases)" exceeds current "In Stock Quantities".
3. We have added in the ability to print "Customer Order Invoice Line Items" in
"Red" if the "Total Units (Including Cases)" exceeds current "In Stock
May 3, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to "Not Move Non-Reserved Line Items
(Non-Posted) To A Target Location" (Set in Preferences) in a "Customer Order"
2. We have added in the ability to "Not Move Non-Reserved Line Items
(Non-Posted) To A Target Location" (Set in Preferences) in a "Show" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to "Not Move Equipment Line Items (Non-Posted)
To A Target Location" (Set in Preferences) in a "Show" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to "Allow Show Laser Posts" for "Employees" who
do not have "Show Posting" privileges.
5. We have added in the ability to "Allow Customer Order Laser Posts" for
"Employees" who do not have Customer Order Posting" privileges.
April 29, 2011
1. We have added in a new field in the "Products" screen called "Caselot
Location". If defined, set "Reserve Location" to this location only if requested
units = caselot amount or amount is case(s).
April 28, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to display "Item Assigned" and "Shows/Orders
Assigned" to a location (Magazine) by double-clicking on the selected "Location
Name" in the "Location" screen.
We have also added the ability to double-click on the "Show" or "Customer Order"
for the selected "Location" to display the assigned "Show" or "Customer Order".
April 27, 2011
1. We have added the “Inventory Comments” to the “Location (Res)” field
(Double-Click) in both “Shows” and “Customer Orders” screens
2. We have added in support for Microsoft Office 2010, MS Access
April 26, 2011
1. We have corrected a screen display problem when using full screen mode where
the "Products" screen may zoom to big to display.
2. We have corrected a problem where "Blank Locations" may be created in "Shows"
and "Customer Orders".
April 25, 2011
1. We have corrected an error when entering new "Line Items" in "Shows" and
"Customer Order" screens, it may not allow new entries.
April 21,2011
1. WE have corrected a problem where the "Total Item Weight" and the "Total Item
Pyro Weight" in the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report is incorrect when spanning
multiple pages.
April 20, 2011
1. We have changed the drop down boxes on the bottom right hand side to display
the current selection status in the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens.
2. We have added in a new field in the "Locations" screen (Right hand side)
called "Do Not Sell This Item From This Location". It will display a warning
message in the "Show" and "Customer Orders" screen.
3. We have improved the way display screen are resized for different types of
screen resolutions.
4. WE have added in the "Total Item Weight" and the "Total Item Pyro Weight" to
the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report.
6-01 made available for FTP Download
April 18, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to turn off the printing of the "Shell With
Fuse" image in the "Laser Label" reports.
2. We have added in the ability to turn off the printing of "Today's Date" at
the bottom of a "Show" invoice.
3. We have added in the ability to turn off the printing of "Today's Date" at
the bottom of a "Customer Order" invoice.
4. We have corrected a problem where the "Show Pull Sheet" line items were not
printing "Alphabetically" after sorting by "Category Print Order".
April 5, 2011
1. We have added the ability to disable "Show Deletions" using the "Login
Security" settings for an "Employee".
2. We have added the ability to disable Customer Order Deletions" using the
"Login Security" settings for an "Employee".
March 31, 2011
1. We have added "Pickup Date" to the "Customer Order Pull Sheet" report.
2. We have added in "Credit Card Fee" to the "Misc. Amounts" field in the
"Customer Order" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to enter a "Percentage of Total Order"(xxx%) in
the "Misc. Exp." field in the "Customer Order" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to track the "Percentage of Total Order"(xxx%)
as the "Total Order Amount" changes in the "Misc. Exp.field if the "Misc. Exp.
text is equal to "Credit Card Fee" in the "Customer Order" screen.
March 29, 2011
1. We have modified the "Show Invoice" to not print the "Category Amounts" when
the user selects not to print "Show Totals".
March 22, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to enter either a percentage or a dollar amount
into the "Customer Order" or "Shows" screens "Discount Percent" field.
2. We have adjusted whether the "Total" and "Discount Amounts" that are printed
in the "Invoices" for "Customer Order" and "Shows" will not print based on the
"Customer Order" and "Show" preferences settings.
3. We have corrected a problem where non ".csv" file types would cause the
filenames to not appear in the "Import Customer Information From a . csv
Spreadsheet" screen.
4. We have corrected a problem where non ".csv" file types would cause the
filenames to not appear in the "Import Purchase Order Information From a . csv
Spreadsheet" screen.
5. We have added in the ability to suppress the printing of "Supplier" in the
"Customer Order Line Items" in a "Customer Invoice".
6. We have added in the ability to suppress the printing of "Supplier" in the
"Show Line Items" in a "Show" invoice.
March 16, 2010
1. We have added the "Printed on Today's Date" to the bottom left hand side of
the following reports:
"Customer Order Pull Sheet", "Show Pull Sheet", "Customer Order Invoice", "Show
Detail Report".
2. We have extended the ability to swap "Cases" with "Pieces" columns to the
"Magazine" reports besides the "Price" reports.
March 14, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Sales Tax" or "Customer Discount" for
a "Customer Order", when different from the "Customers Sales Tax" or "Customers
was using the original amounts instead of the new "Customer Order" amounts.
2. We have added in the ability to convert a "Show" to a "Customer Order" in the
"Show" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to convert a "Customer Order" to a "Show" in the
"Customer Order" screen.
March 10, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the 1st line in a "Purchase Order" may not
"Post" or "Un-Post".
2. We have modified the "Customer Order Invoice" to allow for printing the
"Insurance Amount" and the "Discount Percentage" when the user selects not to
print "Order Totals".
3. We have added in the ability to "View Shows/Customer Order" and jump to the
"Show" or "Customer Order" while in the "Customers" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to enter "Lot Numbers" (and post/unpost to
"Location" and "Lot Number") when doing "Inventory Adjustments" in the
"Products" screen.
March 5, 2011
1. We have added "In Stock Units and Cases" to the "Products" screen drop down
box "Find A Part Number Or Select A 1st Letter Or Number".
March 4, 2011
1. We have reformatted the "Phone Numbers" displayed to reflect free formatting
of the phone number (I.E. (XXX) 111-2222).
2. We have modified the "Comments" field in the "Product Acquisition Report" so
it can now exceed 255 characters in length.
3. We have corrected a problem where the "Category Summary Count" in the
"Customer Order Invoice" may be too high when the "Category" spans more than one
4. We have added in a "2nd Misc. Expense" field to the "Customer Order" screen.
March 3, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Comments" field in the "Product
Acquisition Report" could exceed 255 characters in length and not print in the
March 2, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to "Print Only the Billing Address" in the
"Customer Invoice".
2. We have added in the ability to "Print the Billing Address" and only "Ship
To: Picked Up By Customer" for the "Shipping Address" in the "Customer Invoice".
3. We have added in the ability to account for "Null (Empty)" quantities and
dates in the "Product Acquisition Report".
February 24, 2011
1. We have modified the "Customer Invoice" to allow for multiple lines in the
"Company Address" (Using Control "J") as a linefeed).
2. We have reformatted some of the display screens to increase the readability
for some of the smaller fields.
3. We have added in a new "Special Instructions" table and screen to allow for
repeated "Customer Special Instructions" (I.E. "7% Extra Fireworks For Paying
4. We have added in a new "Special Instructions" field in the "Customers" screen
to allow to automatically copy these "Special Instructions" when creating a NEW
"Show" or "Customer Orders".
5. We have corrected the column headings in the "Sales Persons Product List -
Wide Format" report when creating an Excel Spreadsheet in place of a report.
6. We have updated the documentation to include the new changes and features.
5-91 made available for FTP Download
February 9, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to copy (If different) the "Product Item Caselot
Quantity" to the "Inventory Stock Caselot Quantity" and the "Sold Line Item
Caselot Quantity".
2. We have added in the ability to display "Total Initial Units" and "Total Initial Cases" (Plus total pieces) in the "Products" screen when "Displaying Quantities = 0" and using the "Initial Quantities Tab".
February 8, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to restrict "User With Passwords" who have "New
Customer" privileges from "Deleting Customers".
January 24, 2011
1. We have appended the "Case Cost/Caselot Amount" or "Unit Cost Amount" to the
"Product Description" in the "Product Inventory Cost Report".
January 21, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to use "Case Cost/Caselot" in place of "Unit
Cost" when the "Unit Cost" is zero or blank in the "Product Inventory Cost
January 19, 2011
1. We have added in the ability to "NOT Print Customer Order Invoice Totals"
when printing a "Customer Order Invoice".
January 18, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem concerning the way a "Phone Number" was printed
in the "Purchase Order" report.
January 13, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Cases On Order" amount was not
displaying correctly in the "Product Listing (Plus Items On Order)" report.
January 7, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Compact Your Database" button in the
"Main Menu" did not function correctly on some Windows 7 systems.
2. We have added in a new report named "Last Date Product Sold - By Category".
January 6, 2011
1. We have corrected a problem where a "-1.0 Lbs." was displayed in the "Bill Of
Lading" report for the value "Net Explosives Weight".
January 5, 2011
1. We have blocked the ability to assign negative weights and/or percentages to
the "Categories" screen values.
2. We have corrected a problem when multiple "Categories" are assigned the same
"Printing Order Number" in the "Inventory List By Category (Includes Item
Weight)" report, it combines the line items into a single "Category".
3. We have added in the ability to include "Discounts" and "Sales Tax"
calculations to the "Customer Order Fireworks Totals Summary Report".
4. We have added in the ability to "NOT Print Show Invoice Totals" when printing
a "Show Invoice".
December 7, 2010
1. We have added the "EX Number" to the "Show Pull Sheet", "Customer Pull
Sheet", "Show Pull Sheet By Magazine", and "Customer Order Pull Sheet By
Magazine" reports. (Set In Preferences)
November 30, 2010
1. We have added the ability to select a "Sponsor" from a drop down box in the
"Show Wizard".
November 26, 2010
1. Changed the default screen resolution to "Do Not Expand Screen" for 1st time
new users.
2. Highlight the initial 1st steps in the "Main Menu" in white for 1st time new
November 24, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to "Un-Post" a single selected "Purchase Order
Line Item" in the "Purchase Order" screen.
November 23, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to group totals using the "Customer Last and
First Name" in the "List Customer Order Fireworks Totals Summary Report (By
Range of Dates, Orders, Customers)"
November 16, 2010
1. We have added a list of "Show and/or Customer Orders" to the "Show Pull Sheet
- By Magazine", "Show And Order Pull Sheet - By Magazine", and "Customer Order
Pull Sheet - By Magazine" to the "Grand Total" last page reports.
November 8, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when more than one user is running on a
multi-user networked system where it may take a long time to get to the main
To resolve this issue we have created a persistent database connection to the
back-end from each of the front-end workstations.
November 5, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to NOT print "Show Equipment" in the "Show
Invoice" (Set in the "Show Preferences" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to check the "Primary Location" first when using
the "Set Reserve From Any Location" button in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders"
November 3, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when "Cases" or "Units" in a "Show" or "Order"
line item is blank, it is not defaulting to a zero quantity.
2. We have corrected a "Database Software Validation" initial time delay problem
when opening up the "Inventory Software".
November 2, 2010
1. We have corrected the "Product List/Cost Price By Location (Plus Totals)"
report so that it would add positive and negative quantities for the same item
and then check if it equal to zero for printing purposes.
2. We have corrected a problem when printing reports from "Shows" or "Customer
Orders" screens, if the "Company Logo" is missing or invalid.
October 31, 2010
1. We have increased the size of the "Item Number" in the "Product Listing By
Location By Category" report.
2. We have increased the size of the "Item Number" in the "Product Listing By
Location By Supplier" report.
3. We have added in the ability to automatically set the "Salesperson" in
"shows" or "Customer Orders" provided that the current salesperson is blank and
a salesperson is assigned in the current "Customer/Sponsor" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to display a warning message when more than one
user is "Viewing/Updating" the same "Show" or "Order" when using a multi-user
networked computer system.
5. We have increased the speed when the system checks for "Recalculating The
6. We have moved the "Product Dropdown Box" preferences in the "Shows" and
"Customer Order" screens to the right hand side for better ease of use.
October 25, 2010
1. We have added 2 new fields into the "Locations" screens.
A. "Date Magazine Put In Use"
B. "License Fee"
2. We have added in a new report called "List Magazine Licenses That Have
Expired" to the "Product Costs and Magazine Locations" tab in the "Select Your
Report" screen.
October 21, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to create a "Excel CSV" file containing then
"Magazine Location Information" in the "Locations" screen.
2. We have added a toggle button to "Enable/Disable" the printing of "Line Item
Prices" in the "Show Invoice" report when printing from the "Show" screen.
October 20, 2010
1. We have added in a new report called "Show And Order Pull Sheet Sorted By
Magazine Report (Prints the Magazine Pull Sheet for a Range of Dates) (Requires
Locations For Line Items)".
October 19, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where invalid logins using "MS Access 2007" did
not exit the "Inventory System" correctly.
2. We have added in the ability to "Not Print Show Prices In Invoice When
Printing The Invoice From The Show Screen" (Selected In Show Preferences).
3. We have added in the ability to print "Category Item Totals" when printing
"Categories" in the "Customer Invoice" report.
October 18, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where a user may be locked out of adding new line
items to a new "Purchase Order".
October 15, 2010
1. We have made some minor enhancements to the "Suppliers" screen.
2. We have set the default values to "Not-Posted" for new line entries in the
"Purchase Order" screen.
October 11, 2010
1. We have modified the QVIX Inventory System to remove (Library replaced) any
dependencies on the Microsoft Outlook Library msoutl.olb. This library was used
in Email notifications.
October 8, 2010
1. We have modified the "Products Sold" column label to show a message "Some
Items May Be Blank Due To User Preferences" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders"
This should help the user understand why some line items are blank when for
instance the button "Show In Stock Only" is selected and there is no stock for
the line item displayed.
October 6, 2010
1. Added "Case Cost" field to the "Purchase Order" screen.
2. We have changed the "In Stock Pieces" field to round down instead of up when
calculating "Stock Reorder Quantities" in the "Purchase Order" screen when
"Scanning Inventory".
3. We have changed the "Pieces On Reserve" field to round down instead of up
when calculating "Stock Reorder Quantities" in the "Purchase Order" screen when
"Scanning Inventory".
4. We have added a new field called "Grouping" (I.E. Discounted Item, Special
Item, Etc.) to the "Show" and "Customer Order" line item "Comments" screen.
5. We have added in the ability to print "Line Item Groupings" in the "Show"
report and "Customer Order (Invoice)" reports.
September 30, 2010
1. We have modified "Product Sold By Category" Report to display/print "In Stock
Units and Cases" as a column.
2. We have added in the ability to "Locate (Search)" for a "Field" screen using
the "QVIX Locate Field" Icon throughout the QVIX Inventory System display
3. We have corrected a problem where only the first 13 fields are
inserted/updated in the "Load New Customer Information From Spreadsheet" screen.
4. We have added in a new field call "Minimum Case Stock Reorder Level" in the
"Products" screen. This new field can be used to calculate needed stock
replenishment quantities in the "Purchase Order" screen.
5. We have added in the ability to "Scan Current Inventory And Add New Line
Entries Using Minimum Case Stock Reorder Levels" to the "Purchase Order" screen.
6. We have added a new feature called "View The QVIX Fireworks Inventory System
History Of Changes" in the "Preferences" screen.
7. We have added in the ability to "Select Box Label Report Type (Or use
"Preferences" Default Selections)" when printing "Box Labels" in "Shows" or
"Customer Orders" screens.
These prompts are enabled in the "Show" and "Customer Order" "Preferences"
5-89 made available for FTP Download
September 22,2010
1. We have added new report with the ability to display/print "Category
Subtotals" as a line item and in the "Item Description" display/print "In Stock
Units and Cases", and "Units and Cases On Reserve" to the "Product Sold By
Category" Report.
September 21,2010
1. We have added in the ability to display/print "Category Subtotals" as a line
item and in the "Item Description" display/print "In Stock Units and Cases", and
"Units and Cases On Reserve" to the "Product Sold By Supplier" Report.
2. We have corrected a problem where some line item "Descriptions" may not show in a "Customer Order" when not in stock.
September 9, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to include "Sales Totals" when creating a
"Customer" user selected CSV spreadsheet.
2. We have added in the ability to include/exclude whether a "Customer" has
bought items during a date range when creating a "Customer" user selected CSV
September 7, 2010
1. We have added in "Show/Order Number" to the "description" in the "Boxes"
label report.
2. We have corrected a possible problem where the initial new line for a new
show may be locked out.
3. We have added in the ability to automatically fill in the "To:" address with
the "Salespersons Email Address" when emailing a "Show" in the "Show" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to automatically email a new empty "Customer
Order" created "Excel Spreadsheet Order Form" to a "Customer" in the "Customer
Order" screen.
5. We have added in the ability to automatically email a new empty "Show"
created "Excel Spreadsheet Show Write-Up" to a "Show Salesperson" in the "Shows"
September 3, 2010
September 3, 2010
1. We have corrected a "Unit Price" calculation problem in the "Customer Order
Fireworks Totals Summary Report" where it was not correctly adding up blank
"Unit Price" line items.
2. We have enabled the selection criteria for "Line Item Part Number" searches
(Double Click Line Item) in the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens to honor the
same selection criteria as the drop down box criteria.
September 2, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to toggle between displaying or not displaying
"Discontinued Items" in the "Show" and "Customer Order" item drop down box.
2. We have corrected a "Date Range" problem in the "Customer Order Fireworks
Totals Summary Report" where it was not correctly honoring the date range
selected by the user.
September 1, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to "Automatically Install" the downloaded (From
Main Menu Screen) updated "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Software" upon exiting from
the current "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Software System".
August 30, 2010
1. Updated "Product Adjustments" screen to auto-save line entries.
August 29, 2010
1. We have corrected a missing field in the "Customer Invoice Report.
2. We have added in the ability to highlight in red the line item "Comments" in
the "Show Invoice Report".
3. We have added in the ability to highlight in red the line item "Comments" in
the Customer Invoice Report".
August 27, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to display "Calculated Stock" [Sum(Initial
Stock) - Sum(Stock Sold)] in place of "Laser Scanned Stock" in the "Inventory
Reconciliation Report"
August 25, 2010
1. We have expanded the "From" address field in the "Bill of Lading" report in
order to display long addresses.
2. We have corrected a possible save preferences problem when selecting the user
August 24, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to download and install the software from a self
extracting file.
August 23, 2010
1. We have added the ability to return a single line item in the "Shows" or
"Customer Orders" screen to a specific "Return Location" instead of the original
2. We have corrected a problem where the "Bill of Lading" bottom "Special Notes" would not print when using multiple companies.
August 20, 2010
1. We have modified the "Bill of Lading" reports to list hazardous line items
before non-hazardous material.
August 18, 2010
1. We have moved the "Category Shipping Name" (If enabled) for the "Bill of
Lading" to the front of the line.
2. We have consolidated all the true/false "My Company Preferences" into a
smaller/faster field group.
3. We have moved the "Windows Calendar and Communications Libraries" to a new
folder called "C:\QVIX\Libraries".
4. We have added in the ability to highlight the "Pull Sheet Comments" in red
for added visibility in the "Customer Pull Sheet" and "Show Pull Sheet" reports.
5. We have added in the ability to display "Pull Sheet Comments" in the
"Customer Pull Sheet" report.
6. We have added in the ability to print a user defined message at the bottom of
the "Bill Of Lading" report.
7. We have added in the ability to restrict the "Product Sold Dropdown Selection
Box" to a specific "Supplier" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screens.
5-87 made available for FTP Download
August 4, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to "Change Caselot Quantities" for Show/Order
Line Items and Inventory Stock Line Items for a specific "Part Number Range"
using the "Pieces / Case" amount from the "Product" screen.
August 2, 2010
1. We have corrected the "Product Movement Report" to include "Initial Units"
and "Initial Cases" when the quantity moved is blank in the comments.
July 29, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to select a group of "Part Numbers", then
"Clone" the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory" database removing all other information
in the "Cloned" database.
After sending this "Cloned" database to QVIX Business Systems Inc., we can
better diagnose any problems you may be having without the need for you to send
us your entire database.
July 27, 2010
1. We have corrected the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to correctly display
"Case(s)" not "Unit(s)" when splitting "Cases" in The "Move Products" screen
when using "Offset" quantities for line items.
2. We have corrected the "Inventory Acquisition Report" report to correctly
display "Case(s)" not "Unit(s)" when splitting "Cases" in The "Move Products"
screen when using "Offset" quantities for line items.
July 23, 2010
1. We have added a new report named "EX Number Listing" located in the "Lot
Number Usage, Shows, Devices" report tab.
2. We have move additional modifications to the "Daily Magazine Worksheet"
report to account for multiple moves when using "Offsets".
3. We have corrected a situation where the system allowed a user to delete a
"Purchased Order Posted Line Item" without un-posting it first.
4. We have added the target "Windows" folder locations to any missing "Microsoft
MS Access" libraries needed by the software.
July 21, 2010
1. We have modified the "Product Movement Report" to support tracking multiple
product movements when "Product Offsets" are being used.
2. We have modified the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to correctly display
"Moved Inventory Line Items" using "Offset" quantities for multiple moved line
July 19, 2010
1. We have modified the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to display "Posted
Shows/Orders" for "Offset" quantities correctly.
July 18, 2010
1. We have corrected the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen when you have
"Offsets" enabled for Product Movement, The "Move To Reserve location" did not
create a offset quantity line in the "Product" line item. This corrects the
"Product Acquisition" report and "Daily Magazine Worksheet" reports.
July 14, 2010
1. We have modified the "Product Acquisition" report to display "Offset"
quantities correctly.
July 13, 2010
1. We have modified the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report to display "Offset"
quantities correctly.
July 12, 2010
1. We have modified the "Product Cost Used By Show’ report to include "Cases"
(Cases * Caselot) in it's shell count totals.
2. We have increased the number of digits displayed for the quantity fields in
the "Product Inventory Totals Report" for cases.
July 6, 2010
1. We have pre-pended the "Product Name" to the "Product Description" in the
"Report Label Product Used By Shows/Orders By Supplier Summary Report" report.
2. We have added in "Total Units Sold", "Total Cases Sold", "Total Pieces Sold
(Units +( Cases * Caselot))" to the "View Items Sold" tab in the "Products"
3. We have added in "Total Units Reserved", "Total Cases Reserved", "Total
Pieces Reserved (Units +( Cases * Caselot))" to the "View Reserved" tab in the
"Products" screen.
4. We have added in "Total Units On Bids", "Total Cases On Bids", "Total Pieces
On Bids (Units +( Cases * Caselot))" to the "View Bids" tab in the "Products"
5. We have added "Item Totals" to the "Inventory Acquisition Report".
6. We have added in a new feature called "What is This Section? (Help Me)" to
the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen.
7. We have added in a new feature called "What is This Section? (Help Me)" to
the "Products (View Storage Locations With Initial Quantities Tab)" screen.
July 1, 2010
1. We have added in a check for any missing Microsoft Library files.
June 28, 2010
1. We have increased the database query speed for the "Real-time Inventory"
June 27, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to wrap to the next line long item part numbers
in the "Product Customer Price List" reports.
June 24, 2010
1. We have recalculated the "Real-time Inventory" in both "Customer Order" and
"Shows" to correct for any possibly missed updates.
2. We have improved the "Over-Selling Restriction" in both "Customer Order" and
"Shows" to correct for any missed updates in a "Networked Environment".
3. We have added in a new report named "Inventory Disposition Report (Sorted By
Customer)" to the QVIX Inventory System.
4. We have added in a "View Items On Bids" tab selection to the "Products"
5. We have corrected for possible "Show/Order Non-Reserved Items" being included
in the "Pieces" and "Cases" on "Reserve" box in the "Products" screen.
June 17, 2010
1. We have changed the "Purchase Order Line Item Cost Calculation" to the
following new rule:
“P.O. Item Cost” = “Product Item Cost”
If “Product Item Cost” = 0 then “Product Item Cost” = “Product Item Case Cost” /
“Product Item Caselot”
If “Product Item Cost” = 0 then “Product Item Cost” = “Product Item List Price”
June 14, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when using the "Pull Stock Using Laser Scanner"
in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen when the "Manufacturers Date" or
"Shift" is part of the "Laser Label" scanned information.
June 10, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to select "Posted", "Non-Posted", or "Both"
Shows/Orders in the "Sales Tax Report By Month Report".
2. We have added in the ability to undo "Add Items To Group" button in the
"Products" screen by just deleting the selected line containing the inventory
amount for the "Group Item".
3. We have corrected a problem where inventory stock was not moving to "Reserve
Location" when "Move Using Offsets" was enabled (incorrectly adding to stock) in
the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens.
4. We have added in the ability to show "Total Pieces" besides "Cases" and
"Pieces" in the "Inventory Reconciliation Report".
May 19, 2010
1. We have modified the "Print Magazine Location Laser Labels" to print "Number
of Units" instead of "Posted" laser labels.
May 17, 2010
1. We have added in the capability to "Combine Identical Items For A Range Of
Inventory Items" in the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
May 13, 2010
1. We have corrected for missing "Out of Stock, But Counted" part numbers when
using the "Inventory Reconciliation Report".
2. We have added in a new field that tracks the "Last Move Date" for inventory
stock items.
3. We have improved the "Inventory Movement Report" to better track inventory
items that are moved to different locations.
May 11, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to save missing part numbers when using the
"Inventory Reconciliation Report" into a log file for each location defined.
2. We have corrected a problem where the "Product Acquisition Report" was not honoring the "Location" selection.
May 8, 2010
1. We have corrected the single label barcode scanning box in the "Purchase
Order" screen to parse the laser labels using the same format as printed
(disregards the manufacture date).
May 7, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when posting "Purchase Order Items" and you
choose "Update Cost and Unit Prices" only 1 line would be posted leaving the
rest un-posted.
May 6, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when importing data into a "Purchase Order", the
"Case Cost" was incorrect.
Note - If Cost = 0 (Or Is Blank Or Missing), System Will Use "Case Cost", If
"Case Cost" = 0, Then System Will Use "Item Cost * Caselot"
May 5, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to notify the user when new software updates are
available in the "Main Menu" screen.\.
2. We now display the minimum scaling screen resolution needed in the
"Preferences" screen.
3. We have corrected a problem where the 2nd line Case/Unit quantity field was
not being set properly in the "Laser Reconciliation Report".
May 4, 2010
1. We have reformatted the "Inventory Reconciliation Report" to make it easier
to read and also corrected the "Units Counted" field.
May 3, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where the part number selection criteria was not
honoring "Specific Part Number Items" when checked instead of using "Part Number
Ranges" in "Laser Label Reports".
April 30, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to check for a missing or inaccessible "QVIX
Fireworks Inventory Database" and display a message to the user if this occurs.
April 26,2010
1. We have added in the ability to display your current screen resolution in the
"Screen Display Preferences" screen.
2. We have corrected a situation where if a user leaves open a "Excel" version
of the "Inventory Log File", it will display a message to close the "Excel"
(This file is a single user logging file and is opened for append, then closed
when ever a screen changes or inventory data changes throughout the system).
April 22, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to print the "EX Number Information" from the
"Company Name" search in the "Search For EX Number" windows for the "Products"
screen "Double-Click" on "EX Number" field.
2. We have corrected a Microsoft Library problem when using 64 bit Windows 7
Operating Systems.
April 18, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when a blank "EX Number" is "Double-Clicked" in
the "Products" screen, the program returns an error.
2. We have corrected a error when creating "A New Show" from an "Existing Show", all the line items were not copied to the "New Show" in the "Shows" screen.
3. We have corrected a problem where if the "case Price" is blank, then "Ground" item prices may not show correctly at the top of a "Invoice" for the category displayed.
April 16, 2010
1. We have added in Microsoft Windows Communication Controls to support
Microsoft Access 2003 SP3 and Access 2010.
April 15, 2010
1. We have added in Microsoft Windows Calendar Controls to support Microsoft
Access 2010.
April 14, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where the Total Weights for a "Customer Order
Invoice" report may be higher than the actual "Bill of Lading" report Total
2. We have corrected a problem where the current highest "Customer Order Number"
for a "Customer Order" may be duplicated for a "New Customer Order" when
"Creating A New Customer Order" in a multi-user environment.
3. We have corrected a problem where the current highest "Show Number" for a
"Show" may be duplicated for a "New Show" when "Creating A New Show" in a
multi-user environment.
4. We have added "Sales Tax Percent" to the "Shows" screen.
April 8, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to verify and search for "EX Numbers" in the
"Products" screen. (Includes over 27,000 EX Numbers in the Database)
April 3, 2010
1. Add in the ability to download updates multiple times (In case of a download
April 1, 2010
1. We have modified the screen display routine to remove any startup delays that
may occur when in the "Shows" or "Customer Orders" screens.
March 30, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where selecting a single supplier in the
"Acquisition" or "Disposition" report would not show any information.
March 23, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where the "Backup" screen would not work
March 22, 2010
1. We have corrected
a display problem where the "Laser Labels" tab was not displaying in the
"Reports" screen.
March 21, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to automatically scale selected labels and
fields in display screens to the current screen resolution of your display
2. We have added in a new field in "My Company Information" screen called
"Emergency Response Contract #" that will be printed in your "Bill of Lading"
report (If filled in).
3. We have changed all metric and English weights so they will display using 3
decimal positions (Internally saved at a higher resolution) in the “Products”
and “Categories” screens.
4. We have corrected a problem where re-entering a "Customer License Number"
(Federal, State, Etc.) may get blanked out.
5. We have added in the ability to specify where to use a customer "First" and
"Last" name before using the customers "Company" name or vice versa when
creating "Customer License Image File Names".
6. We have added the ability to include "Posted Inventory Adjustments/Product
Testing Line Items" to the "Daily Magazine Worksheet Report".
7. We have corrected a problem where "Posted Inventory Adjustments/Product
Testing Line Items" may not be included in the "Product Disposition Report".
8. We have increased the "Part Number" width on the "Product Price List" report
5-85 made available for FTP Download
March 19, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to automatically scale selected labels and
fields in display screens to the current screen resolution of your display
2. We have added in a new field in "My Company Information" screen called
"Emergency Response Contract #" that will be printed in your "Bill of Lading"
report (If filled in).
3. We have changed all metric and English weights so they will display using 3
decimal positions (Internally saved at a higher resolution) in the “Products”
and “Categories” screens.
4. We have corrected a problem where re-entering a "Customer License Number"
(Federal, State, Etc.) may get blanked out.
5. We have added in the ability to specify where to use a customer "First" and
"Last" name before using the customers "Company" name or vice versa when
creating "Customer License Image File Names".
March 12, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to check for existing duplicate parts numbers
when creating a new "Part Number" in the "Products" screen and display a warning
March 10, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to select "Virtual Magazine Location" in the
"Daily Magazine Worksheet Report".
March 8, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem where there must be either a valid "First Name"
or "Last Name" or "Company Name" for a license to be loaded into the "Customer"
license area.
March 4, 2010
1. We have corrected a minor problem where "Cases" may not show a "Location"
when deleting a "Show Line Item" in the "Shows" screen.
2. We have added in more user instructions in the "Load A License" screen image
March 2, 2010
1. We have corrected a incorrect calculation concerning the "End Cost" in the
"Product Inventory Cost or List Price (Grouped by Category and Supplier)"
February 24, 2010
1. We have modified the "Reserved" tab in the "Products" screen to show only
active items on reserve (Not Posted Only) instead of all items on reserve
(Posted and Not Posted).
February 23, 2010
1. We have added a new report named "Inventory Supplier Report (ART/Vendor
Number & Size) (Includes Reserved)" which prints the "Product Reserve
Quantities" in the report.
February 12, 2010
1. We have modified the "Customer Invoice" report and the "Customer Pull Sheet"
report to sort the part numbers by "Part Number" after "Category Print Order".
February 10, 2010
1. We have added the "Location" field to the "Products" tab "Items Sold" screen.
January 22, 2010
1. We have corrected a problem when moving a "Show" or "Customer Order", the
current line location will be set to new target even when there is insufficient
stock for the move. The line to be moved will be split into 2 lines, one with
the new target location for the quantity in stock, and a new line with the
remainder of the "Show" or "Customer Order" line quantities with the line
location set to the original location.
January 21, 2010
1. We have added the "Location" field to the "Product On Reserve" tab in the
"Products" screen.
2. We have corrected a "Current Quantity On Reserve In Location Calculation"
error when enabling the "Limitation on Selling More Than In Stock At A Specific
Location" in both "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens.
January 20, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to display "Show" or "Customer Order" "Fireworks
Summary Totals" in the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens.
2. We have modified the ability to import "Purchase Order Inventory Line Items"
from a CSV formatted spreadsheet in the "Purchase Order" screen
to allow the user to either "Replace Existing Line Entries" or "Append" new
January 18, 2010
1. We have modified the "Product Acquisition Report" to adjust entries created
when "Move Using Offsets" is enabled to show correct "Initial Stock Date".
January 13, 2010
1. We have added in the ability to automatically limit the amount entered in
"Line Items" of "Units" or "Cases" to the amount currently in stock minus on
reserve for a specific "Location" in the "Shows" and/or "Customer Orders"
2. We have added in the "Product UN Number" to the "Product Description" in the "Product Acquisition Report (ATF Report)" and Product Disposition Report (ATF Report) reports.
January 6, 2010
1. We have added the ability to import "Purchase Order Inventory Line Items"
from a CSV formatted spreadsheet in the "Purchase Order" screen.
2. We have added the ability to change the "Location" to the "Stock Location"
for "Un-Posted Line items" in the "Purchase Order" screen.
3. We have added the ability to change the "Manufacture Date" to the "Default Manufacture Date" for "Un-Posted Line-items" in the "Purchase Order" screen.
December 30, 2009
1. We have added the ability to email the current "Show Write-up" from the
"Shows" screen to any email person.
December 28, 2009
1. We have added a new report to the "Customers" report tab called "List
Customer Order Fireworks Totals Summary Report (By Range of Dates, Orders,
December 22, 2009
1. We have corrected a problem where multiple selected "Customers" did not
display correctly in the "List all Products Used By Customer Report" and
"Print Customer Order Summary Report".
December 20, 2009
1. We have added the ability to create a user selectable CSV (Excel Spreadsheet)
file for "Customers" information.
1. We have added the ability to create a user selectable CSV (Excel Spreadsheet)
file for "Products" information.
December 17, 2009
1. We have added in a new report names "List Show/Order Partially Posted Line
Items" in the "Lot Numbers", Shows, Devices" report tab.
2. We have added "Next Year" and "Last 2 Years" to all the "Date Range Calendar"
December 16, 2009
1. We have corrected a problem where next years shows did not display correctly
in the "Shows" screen.
December 15, 2009
1. We have modified the sorting order for the "Product Movement Selection"
display screen from the "Move Inventory From All Locations" screen to display
source inventory line items in a product order as specified by the user
"Category Printing Order, Magazine Location, and Stock Date".
December 14, 2009
1. We have corrected a display problem where the "Amount Oversold" for "Shows"
and "Customer Orders" may have displayed incorrectly.
December 3, 2009
1. We have corrected a problem where the drop down box in the "Customers" screen
was not honoring the "Preferences" selections for name ordering.
December 2, 2009
1. We have the ability to print "Customer Bill/Ship Address" in a "Show Invoice"
(Controlled by Preferences).
2. We have also corrected a problem where a "Customer Invoice" printing may be
truncated on long "Customer Orders".
December 1, 2009
1. We have corrected a problem in the Customers" screen that could cause the
"Order" totals to be calculated incorrectly (Show Totals are correct).
November 30, 2009
1. We have a problem in the "Shows" screen that may cause "Next Year Shows" to
not appear in the "Drop Down Selection" when using "Employee Passwords".
November 29, 2009
1. We have moved the internal real-time inventory tables to the main database
from the user program.
This corrects a problem where when using a network, all show/order line item
changes by every user will not lag behind it's entry.
2. We have added vertical scroll bars to the "Customer" notes field making it
easier for large text entries.
3. We have added in the ability to disable printing line item descriptions
(Shells, Finale, Ground, Misc.) In A "Bill of Lading".
4. We have added in the ability to "Disable Show/Order Prices" in the "Employee"
security selections screen.
5. We have added in the ability to check and not allow duplicate "Show" and
"Customer Order" numbers when creating a new "Show" or "Customer Order"
or changing an existing "Show" or "Customer Order" number.
6. We have added in the ability to support "Company Name", First Name, Last
Name" search order selection in the "Customer" screen drop down box.
7. We have added in the ability to automatically limit the amount entered in
"Line Items" of "Units" or "Cases" to
the amount currently in stock minus on reserve in the "Shows" and/or "Customer
Orders" screens.
8. We have added in a "Salesperson" field to the "Customers" screen.
9. We have added "YTD Show/Order Totals", "Last Year Show/Order Totals", and
"Show/Order Balance" to the "Customers" screen.
10. We have added in the ability to additionally load the fields "Show Only
(True or False), Ship Street Address, Ship City, Ship State(2 Chars), Ship
Zip-code" to the
"Load New Customer Information From Spreadsheet" screen.
11. We have added a new group called "Equipment" in the "Product Type" field
This new fields allows for the full inventory control of all equipment used in
12. We have added in the ability to "Email QVIX Business Systems Inc." any
requests directly from the "Main Menu" screen.
November 18, 2009
1. We have added the ability to print your company telephone number in the "Bill
of Lading".
2. We have added the printing of the "Show/Order Number" in the "Bill of
3. We have added in the ability to select from 2 different types of "Bill Of
Lading" detail formats.
November 5, 2009
1. We have added the ability to exclude "Chemicals Menu Item" for a person with
"Login" requirements.
2. We have corrected a error where the "Updating" message may not go away when
completed in the "Main Menu" screen.
November 3, 2009
1. We have added the ability to search and display by either "Company Name" or
"Customer First and Last Name (or Vice Versa)" in a "Customer Order" or "Show"
The search order is controlled by selecting your user preferences in the "Show"
or "Customer Order" "Preferences" screens.
November 2, 2009
1. We have updated the current documentation to reflect the new features in the
software. We have also added in an example of entering a new "Product" or
2. We have added in a new field called "Restrictions" in the "Products" screen.
This can contain any shell firing restrictions.
3. We have greatly expanded the information available in a "Shows Sponsor"
information in the "Show" screen and the "Customer" screen.
4. We have added in a "Show Only (Sponsor)" selection field in the "Customers"
screen. This is used to identify this customer use for "Shows" only.
October 27, 2009
1. We have updated the current documentation to reflect the new features in
the software. We have also added in an example of entering a new "Product" or
October 22, 2009
1. We have added "Commission" to the "Misc 1 & 2" drop down boxes in the "Shows"
2. We have added in the ability to add "Special Show Notes" in the Shows"
3. We have added in the ability to print "Special Show Notes" in "Show Usage"
and "Show Pull Sheet" reports.
4. We have corrected a problem where if the user clicks on "Reserved Show/Orders" in the "Products" screen, the year may not be corrected for the show or order chosen.
October 16, 2009
1. We added in the ability to use "Show" or "Order" date in place of today's
date for moving items in the "Move" screen.
2. We have enhanced the "Employee Login Privileges" to support the following
Allow View/Updating Shows
Allow View/Updating Customer Orders
Allow Viewing Reports
Allow Viewing Additional (Secondary) Menus
Allow Posting Shows
Allow Posting Orders
Allow Salesperson Specific Shows and Customer Orders Only
Allow View/Updating New Customers
Allow Entering/Deleting of New Shows
Allow Entering/Deleting of New Customer Orders
Allow View/Updating Product Movement
Allow Updating My Company Preferences (Including updating in Shows, Customer
Orders and Product Movement)
3. We have added in the ability to move forward or backwards by "Show/Customer Order Number" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen.
4. We have added in the ability to keep the "Original Item Stock Date" when "Moving" inventory stock items in the "Move" screen.
5. We have enhanced the "Load Inventory From Spreadsheet" function to allow for commas with imbedded commas for the fields in the file.
6. We have added in
additional security features allowing the "Administrator" to Enable/Disable the
ability for a person to see "Item Costs" in the Products" screen.
7. We have added in additional security features allowing the "Administrator" to
Enable/Disable the ability for a person to modify any changeable fields in the
Products" screen.
8. We have added in the ability to "View (Jump to)" a Show/Customer Order" from
the "Products" screen when selecting the "View Products Sold" or "View Reserved"
9. We have added in
the ability to set the "Bin Number" when the "Location" is selected for line
items in "Shows" and "Orders".
10. We have modified the "Posting" function to copy the assigned "Box Number"
when creating new line items from partially posted line items in "Shows" and
11. We have added in the ability to view all "Products" in a selected "Location"
in the "Locations" screen.
October 5, 2009
1. We have correct a
problem where if the "Manufacture Date and Shift" is not select in the "Product
Laser Labels (5162)" report, then the word "BARCODE" is printed instead of the
actual barcode.
2. We have added a new selection tab called "Graphs" in the Select Your Report"
3. We have added a new report type in the "Report Your Report" screen for
printing "Snap Shots".
A "Snap Shot" will allow the saving and later printing of reports with
"Graphics" embedded.
4. We have added a new "Graphic" report "Graph Product Usage" that can be run
from the "Products" screen or the "Report" screen.
5. We have added a new "Graphic" report "Graph Product In Magazine" that can be
run from the "Report" screen.
6. We have added a new "Graphic" report "Graph Category In Magazine" that can be
run from the "Report" screen.
7. We have added a new "Graphic" report "Graph Show and Customer Order Sales"
that can be run from the "Report" screen.
8. We have added the ability to select specific "Part Numbers" for the "Product
Inventory Totals" report.
9. We have added a new "Graphic" report "Graph Show Expenses (Display a Maximum
of 20 Shows)" that can be run from the "Report" screen.
10. We have added the printing of "Total Units" and "Total Cases" to the
"Customer Order Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report (Prints the Magazine Pull
Sheet for a Range of Dates For Customer Orders)" report.
11. We have added the printing of "Total Units" and "Total Cases" to the "Show
Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report (Prints the Magazine Pull Sheet for a Range
of Dates For Shows)" report.
12. We have added in the ability to log the "Date, Time, and Screen Name" every
time a user enters a new screen in the inventory system.
13. We have added in the ability to use "Item Information From Pull Sheets" when
in the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
This allows the user to select groups of items to be moved to another location
using any range of "Un-posted" pull sheet information for "Shows" and "Customer
14. We have added in
the ability to "Not Print Date Information" when selecting "Include Detail" in
the "Product Listing By Location" and "Product Listing By Supplier" reports.
15. We have added in the ability to add "Comments" to the "Last Date Inventory
Taken" screen.
16. We have added in the ability to enter a user selectable "Post Date" rather
than using the default "Post Date = Show Date" when "Posting" a "Show".
17. We have added in the ability to "Return Stock To A Different Location Than
Original Location" in the "Customer Order" screen.
September 18, 2009
1. We have corrected
a problem where the EX Numbers may not display on new "Customer Order" for the
"Bill of Lading".
2. We have corrected a problem where when moving items using offsets in the
"Customer Order" or "Shows" screen, the "EX Number" was not added to the new
offset item created.
3. We have added
"Update/Display/Print Last Inventory Taken Date and Time" to the "Report"
4. We have added in the ability to use "Pickup Date" (If Defined) in place of
"Order Date" for the "Daily Magazine Worksheet" report and the Product
Disposition" report.
5. We have moved the
"Log File" selection button to the "Preferences" screen.
6. We have decreased the right hand margin for the "Product List by Location by
Supplier Report".
7. We have removed any leading zeros from displaying in the "Prices" and "Costs"
in the "Products", "Customer Order", and "Show" screens.
8. We have corrected a problem where the user may get a error when trying to download the latest updates from the QVIX website.
9. We have added the ability to display "Manufacture Date" and "EX Number" for all line items in the "Move Products To/From Location" screen.
10. We have updated the documentation to Version 5.81
11. We have corrected a problem where the EX Number was not being copied when you move items in the "Move Product To/From Locations" screen for items using "Offsets".
September 1, 2009
1. We have added a "Notice" message when printing "Customer Order" or "Bill of
Lading" when the "Pickup Date" does not equal today's date in the "Customer
Order" screen.
2. We have moved the starting position to "Find A Part Number Or Select A 1st
Letter Or Number" in the "Products" screen when entering the initial screen.
3. We have added the ability to define a user text message directly below the
"Received By" in a "Customer Order Invoice".
4. We have added automatic formatting to all "Phone Numbers" entered in the
system. (I.E. Phone number 5855331420 auto-converted to (585) 533-1420).
5. We have added in the ability in "Customer Orders" for checking both Federal
and State license dates and setting the fields to RED if they have expired.
6. We have corrected a minor problem where the "Email Body Message" was not
reappearing in the "Customer Order Preferences" after saving it.
7. We have enabled the use of larger screen displays for screen resolutions of
"#### by 1280, 1400, or 1600" (vertical direction).
8. We have added in the ability to have multiple "EX Numbers" for a "Product"
item stored in a "Location". This can be assigned to any "Show" or "Customer
9. We have added in
the ability to "Compact Your Database" to reclaim empty disk space in your
August 17, 2009
1. We have moved the starting position to "Find A Part Number Or Select A 1st
Letter Or Number" in the "Products" screen when entering the initial screen.
2. We have added the ability to define a user text message directly below the
"Received By" in a "Customer Order Invoice".
July 27, 2009
1. We have added a "Notice" message when printing "Customer Order" or "Bill
of Lading" when the "Pickup Date" does not equal today's date in the "Customer
Order" screen.
July 23, 2009
1. We have corrected a rounding up problem when using the conversion button
"Convert Pieces To Cases" in the "Move Products" screen.
2. We have corrected for both part number and description truncation in the
following reports:
A. Product Listing By Location
B. Product Listing By Location By Category
C. Product Listing By Location By Supplier
3. Added in support for "Microsoft 2007 Excel" for displaying the log files in the system.
July 21, 2009
1. We have highlighted "Display Only" fields in the appropriate display
July 20, 2009
1. We have decreased the main screen initialization time allowing the
program to load faster.
July 17, 2009
1. We have added in the ability to print "Company Name" in place of "PER:" in
the Bill of Lading "PER: Liability Instructions" section (Set in Preferences
2. We have added "Manufacture Date" and "Shift" to the detail sections in the "Product Listing By Location", "Product Listing By Supplier", "Product Listing By Category" reports.
July 16, 2009
1. We have added the ability to select whether to display "In Stock Only" or
"All Stock" in the Inventory Adjustments" screen.
2. We have added in the ability to duplicate a selected line item in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen.
3. We have added in the ability to return a selected posted line item partial or full amount in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen.
July 14, 2009
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to display a warning message and additionally
display all the items oversold
when a "Show" or "Customer Order" has oversold line item "Units" or "Cases" in
the "Show" or "Customer Order".
2. We have changed the screen display for both "Shows" and "Customer Order"
"Line Items" to display by "Print (Category) Order"
which will now match the printed "Show" or "Customer Order" "Line Item" report.
3. We have added in the ability to enter a "Sponsors" "Billing Address" and
"Shipping Address" for "Bill of Lading" reports.
4. We have corrected a screen display calculation problem in the "Subtotal
Amount" (Missing Caselot amount in the line calculation) for a line item in the
"Purchase Order" screen.
5. We have corrected the 'Product Laser Label Printing Report (Single Column 1"
X 3")' to format the labels for a true 1" X 3" label.
6. We have added in the ability to merge "Show" line items into "Customer
Orders" and "Customer Order" line items into "Shows".
7. We have added in the ability to record, display, and print the "Last
Inventory Date and Time Taken" to the "My Company Information" screen.
8. We have added the ability to display "Next Years Shows" and "Next Years
Customer Orders" in the "shows" and "Customer Order" screens.
9. We have corrected an error where the "Gross Weight" and "Net Weight" were
printed backwards in the "Bill of Lading" and "Customer Invoice" reports.
10. We have added in the ability to select a "Condensed Box Report" (No Full
Pages Per Box) in the "Shows" and "Customer Order" preferences.
June 19,2009
5-79 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to use the current year "Show/Customer Order
Number" when calculating a new "Show/Customer Order Number"
when "Creating A New Show/Order From an Existing Show/Order" instead of using
numbers from the original Show/Order year.
2. We have added the ability to automatically create "Assemblies (Grouping)
Amount" in the "Products" screen
based on availability of the existing sub-products stock status. dates.
3. We have added in the ability to view "Case Price" in the "Products" screen under the "View Product Sold" tab.
4. We have added the ability to "Un-Post Items Received (No Stock Removal)" from the "Purchase Order" screen.
5. We have added the ability to print 4" wide by 6" long "Box Labels" in place of 8 1/2" by 11" labels.
6. We have added a
prompt to check when a user changes the "Customer Name" to a different "Customer
Name" in an existing "Customer Order".
7. We have added a warning message when a user tries to "Post" (Using line item
Check Box) a "Show" or "Customer Order" line item with both "Units=0" and
8. We have added a warning message when a user tries to "Post" (Using line item
Check Box) a "Show" or "Customer Order" line item with no assigned "Location" or
"Source Location"
9. We have added the ability to display a warning message when a "Show" or "Customer Order" has oversold line item "Units" or "Cases" in the "Show" or "Customer Order".
10. We have corrected a problem where if the "Category New Weight Percentage (Pyro Weight)" was set to zero, the "Pyro Weight" calculated became very large.
11. We have added in
the ability to "Exclude A Location" (Set in "Locations" screen) from being used
in "Set Reserve From Any Location" and
"Pull Stock From Any Location" in the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens.
12. We have added in
the "Customer Order Number" in the "Customer Order Payment" report.
13. We have added the capability to restrict the "shows" and "Customer Order"
"Product" dropdown box to display either "All Stock Items" or "In Stock Only
14. We have corrected a minor error in the "My Reports" screen where it may not
let you delete a report in the displayed list.
15. We have added the "Opening Display" section to "Product Used By Shows" for
both "No Part Number" and "No Part Number or Price" reports.
16. We have improved
the "Scanning and Validation of Initial Inventory Stock Quantity Amounts" in the
"Products" screen to correct for any
blank or incorrect "Inventory Stock" entries and automatically correct them.
17. We have corrected
a problem in the "Purchase Order" screen where blank line items entries were not
being disregarded when "Posting" and "Un-Posting" line items.
18. We have added in the ability to enter a "Dollar Discount Amount($)" besides
a "Percentage Discount Amount" in the "Fireworks Discount" field in the "Shows"
19. We have added the ability to display "Category Waybill Shipping Names" in
the "Bill of Lading" in the "Show" preferences (besides the "Customer Order"
20. We have added the ability to enable/disable the printing of "Category Name"
in the "Customer Order Invoice".
21. We have added the ability to suppress the printing of both "Finale" and
"Opening Finale" layouts in the "Show" report.
22. We have corrected
a problem where some line items in the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens were
not moved to the "Reserved Location"
when pressing the "Move Reserved Stock To Target" button..
23. We have added in the ability to backup and restore your "QVIX Fireworks
Inventory Database" to the "QVIX Business System Storage Site" for additional
compliance with the ATF rules for "Computerized Data Storage".
May 28, 2009
5-77 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to convert "Units" to "Cases" or "Cases" to "Units"
using a range of item numbers, locations and dates
in the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
2. We have set the default to not highlight a line when you double click
"Location (Res)" in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen.
3. We have added in the line item "Manufacture Date" in the "Customer Order"
4. We have corrected a posting problem where in a "Show" or "Customer Order"
screen, you select to post a line item using the
"Post Checkbox", the "Manufacture Date" could be reset to the oldest
"Manufacture Date" instead of the currently selected
"Manufacture Date".
5. We have removed the word "(Fireworks)" from the "Description" title in the
"Bill of Lading" report.
6. We have corrected a display/printing problem where blank Unit Prices" were
not allowing the "Cases Price" to calculate correctly in "Un-Posted" Customer
7. We have added in the ability for a user to selectively enable/disable the
printing of "(B/O)" on un-posted line items for customer invoices.
8. We have added the ability to use "Customer Ship Address" as a replacement
address in the "Bill of Lading" report.
9. We have added in the ability to auto-increment (Double-Click) the "Box
Number" in "Customer Orders" or "Shows" screen.
10. We have added in the ability to "Disregard Manufacture Date" when "Posting
Customer Orders" in the "Customer Orders" screen.
11. We have added in the ability to "Disregard Manufacture Date" when "Posting
Shows" in the "Shows" screen.
12. We have added a new report in the "Lot Number Usage, Shows, Device Reports"
tab named "List Show/Order Product Stored In Magazines (Grouped By Box Number)"
13. We have added the ability to use "Pickup Date" as a replacement for "Order
Date" in the "Bill of Lading" report.
14. We have added a "Auto-Save" capability to "Customer Orders" and "Shows" when
selecting "Posting" or "Return to Stock" buttons.
15. We have included all "Customer Licenses" in the "Customer License" report.
16. We have included the ability to add "Cases" to all "Shows" screen.
17. We have added the ability to display/print "Case Usage" in all "Shows"
18. We have expanded the "Show Selection Criteria" in the "Pull Stock" and "Show
Product Usage" reports.
19. We have added in
the ability to move stock back from a previously "Moved Stock To Reserve
Location" in the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen.
20. We have corrected a problem where the last line of each page was missing in
the "Daily Magazine Worksheet Report (ATF Report)" report.
21 We have added the ability to show "(Pieces + Cases)" in the "Daily Magazine
Worksheet Report (ATF Report)" report when displaying "Units Beginning Balance"
22. We have added in the ability to post line items using a laser scanner in the "Show" or "Customer Order" screens.
23. We have added the ability to suppress the printing of "Line Item Prices" in the "Customer Order Invoice" report (Controlled in the preferences settings).
24. We have added the
ability to display and move "Inventory Offset Amounts (-1,+1)" in the "Move
Inventory" screen.
This is used when a user selects to "Move Inventory Using Offsets (-1,+1)"
selection box.
April 28, 2009
5-75 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to show non-posted items in the "Customer Invoice"
as "B/O" in the item description.
2. We have added the ability to merge into an existing "Customer Order" or
"Show", line items from previous "Customer Order" or "Shows".
3. We have improved the way a user searches to import scanned licenses into the
"Customer License" folders.
4. We have corrected the "Create A Spreadsheet" flags in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen to correctly display "In Stock Quantities" and "All Stock".
5. We have corrected a display problem in the "Customer Invoice" report where if the "Unit Price" is blank, then the "Total Line Amount" would not display correctly.
6. We have added in the ability to print "Manufacture Date" in all laser labels for the "Purchase Order" screen.
7. We have added
"Bill Of Lading Shipping Names" to the "Category" screen.
8. We have added the ability to enable/disable the printing "Shipping Names" to
the "Bill of Lading" report in the "My Preferences" screen.
9. We have improved internal inventory real-time tracking data entries.
10. We have added "Part Number Range" to the "Product Listing By Location" and "Product Listing By Supplier" reports.
11. We have corrected a problem where the weights would not display properly when creating a new magazine with no products stored in it.
12. We have improved the way a user searches for "Company Logo" in the "My Company Preferences" screen.
13. We have corrected the "Part Number Search Criteria" display mode in the "Move A Group Of Product Items To A New Location" screen (Move Product To/From Locations).
14. We have modified
the "Sales Tax By Month" report to use the "Pickup Date" in place of the "Order
Date" for it's date comparisons.
We have also added the "Order Number" and "customer Name" (If Order Description
is blank) into the report.
15. We have added the ability to copy the original "Manufacture Date" and "Shift" to a new split quantity line item in the "Move Inventory" screens.
16. We have added
"Posted" and "Bid" information to the drop down Customer Orders/Shows selection
box in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screens.
17. We have added "Donation" as a payment type to the "Customer Order" and
"Shows" screens.
18. We have added a new selection tab (View Reserved Items) to the "Products" screen.
March 20, 2009
5-75 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to discount a product based on a Unit or Case Level
(Up to 3 different levels are supported).
The user can specify either a "Amount to be Discounted" or a "Percentage of
Price to be Discounted" for each of the 3 levels.
As the user enters/updates the "Unit Amount" or "Case Amount" in the "Customer
Order" screen,
the appropriate new "Discounted Price" for the "Current Line Item" will be
automatically calculated.
2. We have added a duplicate purchase order number warning message in the
"Purchase Order" screen when a user "creates a new" or "changes a current"
"Purchase Order Number" to an existing "Purchase Order Number".
3. Corrected missing summation for grand totals in the right 3 total columns in the "Sales Tax" report.
4. We have corrected a problem where the system may not pull the oldest inventory item in the "Customer Order" screen, if and of the manufacture dates for the group is blank.
5. We have added the ability to print "Manufactures Date" and "Shift" on the "Avery 5162" Laser Label Report for "In Stock Inventory".
6. We have added the
ability to specify whether a Product "Discount Amount" should be A "Discount
Amount" or "Amount Discounted".
This applies to both "Units" and "Cases". For Example:
A. "Discount Amount" would be as follows (Final Product Price) = (Product Price)
- (Discount Amount)
B. "Amount Discounted" would be as follows (Final Product Price) = (Discount
C. A default setting for both "Units" and "Cases" can be set in the "Preferences
For Products" screen.
Note - (This Default can be over-ridden for a specific "Product" in the
"Products" screen.
7. We have corrected a problem where a user changes a "Customer Email Address"
by double clicking in the "Customer Order" screen, and the update may not be
reflected in the current "Customer Order" screen.
8. We have added a new report "List Show/Order Posting Status (Posted, Partially Posted, Un-Posted, Bid)".
9. We have corrected an erroneous error message that may occur when you "Save" a newly created "Item" in the "Products" screen.
10. We have added the "Customers Name" and "Posting Status" to the "List Customer Order Payments" report.
11. We have added "Magazine Location" to the "Inventory Acquisition Report".
12. We have corrected a problem where moving from one Order to another in the "Customer Order" screen causes the "Sales Tax" and "Discounts" for that order to reset to the original "customers" setting.
13. We have added "Net Weight", "Pyro Weight", and "Maximum Weight" for the current "Magazine Location" to the "Move Products To/From Locations" screen.
14. We have added the "Customer Name" to the "Order Number" lookup drop down box on the "Customer Order" screen.
15. We have corrected a problem in the "Sales Tax Report" where it would only show a single "Customer Order" for a specific day instead of all orders.
16. We have corrected the "Order Totals" to include "Sales Tax" and also use the original order line item "Unit Price" and "Case Price" defined in the "List Order Payments" report.
17. We have added a
"Initial Manufacture Date" and "Initial Shift" to the "Print Product Laser
Labels (Avery 5162 1 1/3" X 4") (By Location)" report.
18. We have added the ability to "Pick Date" instead or "Order Date" when print
the "Customer Order Pull Sheet Report (Prints the Pull Sheet for a Range of
Customer Orders)" Report.
19. We have added the capability to have "Company Name" only (No First or Last Name defined) Federal, State, and Drivers License images saved in the system.
20. We have added a
new "Location Status", "R" which when visible, indicates that the total amount
"Ordered/Assigned To A Show" (Reserved Amount) exceeds the current amount in
stock plus on reserve.
This feature is used in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen in the
"Location" column.
21. We have added the ability to print "Blank Spaces" as a column in the "User
Generated Reports" screen.
22. We have added the ability to sort by "Order Date" or "Pickup Date" in the "List Order Payments By Salesperson Report" (Also printing of selective Posted or Un-posted Orders).
24. We have added a new feature that allows you to update a group of "Items Timestamps" so that you can force a "Product" synchronization to another database in the "C:\QVIX\Synchronize" folder.
25. We have added in the ability to define "Unit Price" and "Case Price" printing preferences while selecting some of the "Price List" reports.
26. We have added a new report "List Show Product Locations By Month" that prints the "Product Magazine Locations" for a range of "Customer Orders" and/or "Shows".
27. We have added a
“+” plus sign indicator to designate when a group of “Units” or “Cases” stored
at a specific magazine location has different internal line entries which may
not allow that specific line entry to be convert from “Units” to “Cases” or
vise-versa in the “Customer Order” and “Shows” screens (“Inventory Storage
Location” sub-screen).
28. We have added "Customer Information" to the "Synchronize Databases" module.
29. We have added in a customer active validation check before allowing a person to delete a "Customer".
30. We have added the
ability to remove the "C.O.D." information from the center of the "Bill Of
Lading" for a "Customer Order" or a "Show".
February 17, 2009
5-73 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have clarified the item weights in the "Category" screen and the
documentation to read "Piece (Unit) Weight".
This should clear up any problems with weight specification in the system. (All
weights are always specified by the piece)
2. We have added more product checking to the "Purchase Order" screen concerning
validation of the Supplier for the products.
We have also added selective multiple year screening when searching for a
purchase order.
3. We corrected a minor error in the "Shows" screen when selecting "All Years",
a "Poster" parameter appears on the screen.
4. We have added the ability to enable/disable the print of the "EX Number" on
the "Customer Order (Invoice)".
5. We have added "Billing Terms" to the "Customers" and "Customer Orders"
screens. WE have also added the printing of "Terms"
to the "Customer Order (Invoice)" report.
6. We have added "Federal Release/Authorization Form On File" field to the
"Customers" screen.
7. We have added the "Purchase Order Number" as a comment to the "Inventory Line
Item" when received and posting inventory to stock in the "Purchase Order"
8. We have added the following new fields to the "Customer Orders" and "Shows"
screen when "Creating A Spreadsheet"
a. Print In Stock Items Only
b. Print Currect Stock Quantities
c. Print Supplier Name In Description Column
d. Print Caselot In Column
e. Print Quantities Currently On Reserve
f. Print Units Requested In A Column
g. Print Cases Requested In A Column
9. We have added that ability to Create A CSV File Named C:\QVIX\CSV
Folder\Laser Labels (1 X 3 Inch).CSV Instead Of Printing Labels.
Format: Laser Barcode, Part Description, Additional Information
10. We have corrected the printing of a "&" in the "Company Name" in the
"Customer Invoice" report.
11. We have changed the default "Shipping State" to a blank space in the
"Customers" screen.
12. We have added a default "Sales Tax Amount" to the "Customer Preferences"
screen that will be used when creating a new "Customer".
13. We have removed the "Insurance" and "Misc. Expenses" amounts from the
"Customer Discount Percentage" and "Sales Tax" calculation amounts in the
"Customer Order" screen and "Customer Order Invoice".
14. We have added the ability to replace "Costs" amounts with "List Price"
amounts in the "Product Inventory Cost Report".
15. We have added the ability to output all report to a user selected
file/folder location formatted as a RTF (Rich Text Format) File.
16. We have added a line showing "Received By:" and "Date:" to the bottom of the
"Customer Order Invoice".
17. We have added a
line showing "Received By:" and "Date:" to the bottom of the "Customer Order
18. We have added a new report in the "Costs, Payments, Expenses, Payments
Report" tab named "Sales Tax Report By Month (Posted Customer Orders)".
19. We have corrected a problem where the email address validation in the "Customer Order" email button may not always properly validate.
20. We have corrected a problem where very old versions of the software may not read all the report table updates correctly.
21. We have changed the field "Purchase Order" number to allow for non-numeric PO numbers.
22. We have added the
ability to print "Pickup Date" in the "Customer Order Invoice".
January 16, 2009
5-73 made available for FTP Download
We have made the following corrections:
1. We have corrected for inventory part numbers that all all numerical and begin
with a leading zero for the following problem:
a. When creating a Excel spreadsheet in a "Customer Order" or "Show",
Excel removes the leading zeros, thus making the part number invalid when
importing the spreadsheet back into the system.
2. WE have corrected a currency rounding error when printing a "Customer
The "Total Order" amount minus the "Amount Paid" fields may result in a + or -
.01 amount being displayed.
3. We have corrected the "Inventory Storage Locations" display sub-window in
both the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen
to display in real-time the current inventory for a new or updated line item in
the current "Customer Order" or "Show"
4. We have added the ability to enter characters for a matching "Customer" using
the "Company Name" if the "First Name" and "Last Name" is blank in the
"Customers" screen.
5. We have added the ability to enter characters for a matching "Customer Order"
using the "Company Name" if the "First Name" and "Last Name" is blank in the
"Customer Order" screen.
6. We have added the ability to select multiple "Customer Orders" when printing
the "Products Used By Customer (Customer Invoice)" report.
7. We have added the following to the "Products" screen.
a. "GM" in the placards dropdown box. This is used for "General Merchandise".
b. If the user enters "GM" in the "EX Number" then this will expand to "GENERAL
MERCHANDISE DEREGULATED BY D.O.T." on the "Bill of Lading" report.
c. "70" for "General Items" in the "Hazard Class" dropdown box. This will show
as a blank field in the "Bill of Lading" report.
8. We have added the following new fields to the "Customer" screen.
a. Ship Address Line 1
b. Ship Address Line 2
c. Ship City, Ship State, and Ship Zipcode
9. We have added the ability to enable/disable the printing of Customer Billing
and Shipping information along with Home/Work phone numbers in the "Customer
Invoice" report.
This information is controlled in the "Customer Order Preferences" menu.
10. We have corrected the printing of a blank name in the "Customer Invoice"
when the "First" and "Last" names are blank.
We will print the "Company Name" if this is true.
11. We have added the ability to calculate user selectable "Costs" in the
"Purchase Order" screen. The selections are as follows:
b. Old Unit Cost=New Unit Cost (Unit Cost Change Only)
c. Old Case Cost=New Case Cost (Case Cost Change Only)
d. Old Unit Cost=(Old Unit Cost+New Unit Cost)/2 (Unit Cost Change Only)
e. Old Case Cost=(Old Case Cost+New Case Cost)/2 (Case Cost Change Only)
f. Old Unit Cost=New Unit Cost & Old Case Cost=New Case Cost
g. Old Unit Cost=(Old Unit Cost+New Unit Cost)/2 & Old Case Cost=(Old Unit
Cost+New Case Cost)/2
12. We have added the ability to Email directly to a customer the "Customer
Order Invoice".
13. We have added the ability to define your own "Email Body Message" by editing
the "Email Body Text" in the "Customer Order Preferences" screen.
14. We have added the ability to selectively search for "Posted" or "Un-Posted"
"Customer Order" in the "Customer Order" screen.
15. We have added the ability to selectively search for "Posted" or "Un-Posted"
Shows" in the Shows" screen.
16. We have added the following to the "Customer Invoice"
a. Selectively print Product Shift on invoice
b. Selectively print Product Supplier City and Country on invoice.
17. We have added the following to the "Customer Pull Sheet"
a. Selectively print Product Shift on Pull Sheet
b. Selectively print Product Supplier City and Country on Pull Sheet
January 13, 2009
We have made the following corrections:
1. We have corrected for inventory part numbers that all all numerical and begin
with a leading zero for the following problem:
a. When creating a Excel spreadsheet in a "Customer Order" or "Show",
Excel removes the leading zeros, thus making the part number invalid when
importing the spreadsheet back into the system.
2. WE have corrected a currency rounding error when printing a "Customer
The "Total Order" amount minus the "Amount Paid" fields may result in a + or -
.01 amount being displayed.
3. We have corrected the "Inventory Storage Locations" display sub-window in
both the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen
to display in real-time the current inventory for a new or updated line item in
the current "Customer Order" or "Show"
4. We have added the ability to enter characters for a matching "Customer" using
the "Company Name" if the "First Name" and "Last Name" is blank in the
"Customers" screen.
5. We have added the ability to enter characters for a matching "Customer Order"
using the "Company Name" if the "First Name" and "Last Name" is blank in the
"Customer Order" screen.
6. We have added the ability to select multiple "Customer Orders" when printing
the "Products Used By Customer (Customer Invoice)" report.
January 8, 2009
5-71 made available
for FTP Download
We have made the following corrections:
1. We have corrected for inventory part numbers that all all numerical and begin
with a leading zero for the following problem:
a. When creating a Excel spreadsheet in a "Customer Order" or "Show",
Excel removes the leading zeros, thus making the part number invalid when
importing the spreadsheet back into the system.
2. We have corrected a currency rounding error when printing a "Customer
The "Total Order" amount minus the "Amount Paid" fields may result in a + or -
.01 amount being displayed.
3. We have corrected
the "Inventory Storage Locations" display sub-window in both the "Customer
Order" and "Shows" screen
to display in real-time the current inventory for a new or updated line item in
the current "Customer Order" or "Show"
January 4, 2009
5-71 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added an alternate shipping address and Emergency Phone Number to the
"My Company" information screen.
This address can be used to substitute alternate shipping Address or City or
State or Zipcode information when printing the "Bill Of Lading" report.
2. We have added the following fields into the "Purchase Order" screen for
better control of your purchase order line items:
a. Magazine Location
b. Lot Number
c. Manufacture Date
d. Shift
3. We have added "Charged on Account" and "Company Expense" as additional
payment types to the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screens.
4. We have added the
ability to search for "Customer Name" besides "Order Description" when searching
for "Customer Orders" (Double-Click) in the "Customer Order" screen.
5. We have added the following "UN Category" numbers to the "Products" screen
for printing on the "Bill of Lading":
6. We have added the following "Placard" numbers to the "Products" screen for
printing on the "Bill of Lading":
"Explosive 1.1G" and a blank entry " " for general merchandise.
December 29, 2008
5-71 made available for FTP
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to delegate login role responsibilities. If a
password is entered for any user, then login role responsibility is enabled. The valid security levels
and their associated privileges for a employee are as follows:
a. Administrator (Unlimited Access) Data Entry (New Customers, Customer Orders, Shows With Posting) and Basic Reports
b. Data Entry (Customer Orders, Shows With Posting) and Basic Reports
c. Data Entry (Customer Orders, Shows, No Posting) and Basic Reports
d. Data Entry Salesperson Specific (Customer Orders, Shows, No Posting) and Basic Reports
e. Basic Reports Only
2. We have added the ability to see a price for an item when searching for a part number or description in the "Customer Order" or "Show" screens.
3. If a user chooses to change the location of the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Database" to another location (I.E. a different drive letter other than C:\), then this new location is retained when the inventory software is updated. In addition, the alternate database location is validated every time the "QVIX Fireworks Inventory System" is updated.
4. If a user selects "Search For An Item" in the "Customer Order" or "Shows" screen, then all additional line items are updated (I.E. Unit Price, etc) for the current new line.
5. We have added the ability to Export and Import "Customer" information so that new customers or changes can be done at a remote location.
6. We have enhanced the ability to Export or Import "Customer Order" and "Show" including a new folder location in the "QVIX" folder area. This enhancement allows for remote "Customer Order" and "Show" entry along with better linkage to "Customer" exporting and importing.
7. We have updated the documentation to include all new features.
December 16, 2008
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to search by "Item Part Number" besides "Item
Description" when "Double-Clicking" the "Product Sold" drop down box in both the
"Shows" and "Customer Order" screens. This has also been added to any other
place where only the "Item Description" searching was enabled.
2. We have added the ability to reverse the first and last name display and
searching in the "Customer" and "Customer Order" screens. This parameter is
controlled by a user selection in the "Customer Order" preferences screen from
the main menu screen.
3. We have added the "Company Name" after the "customer Name" when selecting a
"Customer" in the "Customer Order" screen.
November 23, 2008
We have corrected the following items:
1. When loading new inventory via a spreadsheet, the List Price, Case Price, and
Cost Amounts were not loading correctly.
2. We have turned on the ability to delete a location (With verification as to
usage). in the "Locations" screen.
November 18, 2008
5-69 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to backup your "QVIX Fireworks Inventory Software Database" to 3 different locations. It will also list the following information for each backup location:
a. Database Size
b. Database Creation Date and Time
c. Database Last Accessed Date and Time
d. Database Last Modified Date and Time
2. We have added the ability to create Show and Customer Order "Bids" by setting the "Reserved" column to "No" for the "Non-Posted" corresponding Shows and Customer Orders.
3. We have added the ability to select "Bid Only" Shows in the "Shows" screen.
4. We have added the ability to select "Bid Only" Customer Orders in the "Customer Order" screen.
5. We have added the following new reports:
a. Show Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report (Prints the Magazine Pull Sheet for a Range of Dates For Shows)
November 4, 2008
b. Customer Order Pull Sheet Sorted By Magazine Report (Prints the Magazine Pull Sheet for a Range of Dates For Customer Orders)
6. We have corrected a printing error in the "City" field on the "Bill of Lading" when using a secondary address.
November 4, 2008
5-67 made available for FTP Download
We have changed the following:
1. We have corrected the pounds to kilogram calculation (Calculation was reversed) in the "Category" and "Firing Device" screens.
November 3, 2008
5-67 made available for FTP Download
We have changed the following:
1. We have added the ability to display the maximum database character field sizes for informational purposes.
October 30, 2008
5-67 made available for FTP Download
We have changed the following:
1. We have added a new report called "Product Inventory By Category Report (Includes Category and Item Weight, Hazard Class, UN Number)".
2. We have the following new fields to the "My Company Information" screen:
a. Federal License Date
b. State License Date
c. Shipper Number Date
d. US DOT HazMat Number Date
e. Federal Tax ID
f. State Tax ID
g. Local Tax ID
3. We have added the following new fields to the "Location" screen.
a. Magazine License Number
b. Magazine License Expiration Date
c. Magazine Type (I.E. Type 1, 2,3 etc)
d. Maximum Weight Allowed in Magazine
4. We have added Manufacture Date, and Shift to the 1" by 3" Laser Labels
October 26, 2008
5-65 made available for FTP Download
We have changed the following:
1. We have added the ability to check/download the latest version of the software in the "Main Menu" screen.
2. We have corrected the refreshing of an item location in the display screen sections for the "Move Product" windows so that the item changed does not cause the window to display the item list starting from the very beginning each to a change is made.
3. We have added more field checking when a new "Customer Order" is created so that a proper "Customer" is assigned to the new order before any other customer dependant changes are made.
4. We have expanded the field size for "Shipping Number" in "My Company Information" from 12 characters to 20 characters.
5. We have updated the documentation to include the new changes in the software.
October 16, 2008
5-63 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. We have a new field to the "Customer Order" called "Pickup Date". This can be used to enter the pick up date that the customer gives for when the order should be ready.
2. We have added a new report called "Print Customer Order Summary Report (Prints Customer Order Line Item Information in a Range of Order Dates)". This report prints a summary of a group of customer orders including line items and a order total for the customer selected.
3. We have added a new report called "Print Customer Order Summary Report (Prints Customer Order Line Item Information in a Range of Pickup Dates)". This report prints a list of "Customer Orders" for a specific range of "Pickup Dates" and can optionally include all line items for this order.
4. The have added a setup configuration field that enables/disables a user from changing the "Federal and State" license information while entering/updating a customer order.
5. We have improved the front screen company selection buttons to make them appear in a more standardized fashion.
October 6, 2008
5-61 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. We have a new "Laser Label Report" that uses 1" X 3" labels.
2. We have separated the laser labels from the other reports and given them their own printing group tab "Laser Labels" in the "Print/View Reports" screen.
3. We have added the Suppliers full address to the "Inventory Acquisition" report.
4. We have added "Magazine Location" selection criteria to the "Daily Work Sheet Report", "Inventory Acquisition Report", and "Inventory Disposition Reports".
5. We have added "From Magazine Location" to the "Inventory Disposition Report".
October 3, 2008
5-61 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. We have added the ability to assign "Box Numbers" to pulled stock in both the "Shows" and "Customer Orders" screen. These box numbers can be printed in a new report that we have added to the system.
2. We have added a new report "Print Box Labels For Shows and Customer Orders (List Items In The Box And Total Weight)". This report will allow the user to print a label that contains everything within the box and it's associated total weight.
October 1, 2008
5-59 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. We have modified the report generator to take into account the new report fields in Microsoft Access 2007.
2. We have added the ability to read in "New Customer" information from a spreadsheet (Menu 9 - Enter/View Other Information and then menu F - Load New Customer Information From Spreadsheet".
September 29, 2008
5-59 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. The ability to select (New Report Preferences Field) whether "Cases" appears 1st, then "Pieces" appears 2nd or vise-versa in all "Inventory Price List Reports".
2. A new Laser Label report "Print Product Laser Labels (Avery 5163 2" by 4") (By Location) Report"
3. We are updating the documentation and will release partial updates as the documentation is updated.
September 11, 2008
5-59 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. A new tab in the "Reports" screen that contains "My Reports". This is a list of user selected reports that you can group as your most commonly used reports.
2. We have added a grand total to the report:
Report Tab: "Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments Reports"
Report: "Product Cost Used By Show "(5th report from the top)
September 5, 2008
5-57 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following:
1. When clicking on the QVIX logo on the main menu, the current database location, size, and creation date is displayed.
September 4, 2008
5-57 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new report:
1. Product Used By Shows/Orders By Supplier Summary Report (Prints a Total of all Items Used in a Range of Dates)
We have added the following:
"Selection by Product Bought/Not Bought and Date Range"
to the following reports:
1. Print All Customers By Name
2. Print All Customers In Post Card (Avery 5389)
3. Print Customer Address Labels
September 3, 2008
5-57 made available for FTP Download
We have added better capability to the "Synchronize Databases" button in the "Import/Export Shows/Orders" Screen.
August 24, 2008
5-57 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added Supplier grouping to the "Inventory By Location Report (ART # & Size)" report.
2. We have added a new report name "Inventory By Location, Supplier Report (ART # & Size)".
3. We have added a new report name "Inventory By Supplier, Location Report (ART # & Size)".
4. We have added a new selection tab named "Adjustments (Removal)" to the "Products Screen". This will allow the entering any inventory item adjustments, testing, item manufacturing and allow the tracking of these items against a special "Order" named "Inventory Adjustments / Item Testing". The items in this group can be removed or added back into inventory similar to how a "Customer Order" removes from stock items that are sold. These items contain a special "Date Used" field that allows for item usage tracking.
5. We have added a special report that prints out a list of items that have been removed from inventory for "Adjustments, Testing, or Product Manufacturing".
6. We have added a special warning prompt when change a part number to a new part number in the "Products" screen.
7. We have added a new report named "Product Sold/Used By Supplier" that shows the total number of pieces and cases sold/used sorted by "Supplier" for a user selected "Date Range".
8. We have added a "Credit Hold" field in the "Customer" screen. This will display a warning message and display the "Customer Name" in red anytime the customer is on credit hold.
9. We have added the ability to control whether the "Inventory Software" uses the whole screen for displaying it's information.
10. We have added the ability to display the background as only "Black" for those displays that may have a problem with displaying a "Blue Gradient" background.
11. We have added a new field named "Shell Lift Time" to the products screen. This will display in a "Customer Order Invoice".
12. We have separated the "My Company Preference" information into multiple screens so that it is grouped by the function (I.E. Shows, Customer Orders, Screen Control, Etc) for easier viewing and changing.
13. We have reformatted the "Reports" screen and added additional information to help clarify what many of the reports actually print when selected.
14. We have added the ability to select a replacement part for both the "Shows" screen and "Customer Orders" screen based on the "Category" of the item it's replacing (This makes the drop down selection smaller and more specific to the item it is replacing).
July 28, 2008
We have corrected the following errors:
1. "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen, when selecting a Show/Order Name by Alphabetical letter, the 1st Show/Order for that letter may not display as the 1st in the group displayed for that letter.
2. When "Double-Clicking" on the "Stock Quantities" (Cases->Pieces or Pieces->Cases) for a selected "Line Item", the quantities displayed may revert to the 1st display "Line Item's" quantities in stock.
July 17, 2008
5-55 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to create an Excel spreadsheet for any selected customer of your fireworks price sheet (with optional in stock quantities). You can then e-mail this spreadsheet to the customer. The customer can then fill in the items they wish to purchase (Order totals are automatically calculated). The customer would then e-mail back to you the filled in Excel spreadsheet order. You can then directly import these numbers into a new customer order, thus saving you the time it takes to manually key in the order.
2. We have added the ability to create a Excel spreadsheet for any selected show of your fireworks price sheet (with optional in stock quantities). You can then e-mail this spreadsheet to the salesperson responsible for this show. The salesperson can then fill in the items they wish to put in the show (Show totals are automatically calculated). The salesperson would then e-mail back to you the filled in Excel spreadsheet show. You can then directly import these numbers into a new fireworks show, thus saving you the time it takes to manually key in the show.
3. Added a new report called "Product Customer Price List (Actual Available)". This report allows for the inclusion of "Items on Reserve For Shows and Customer Orders" when reporting its totals for "Units" and "Cases".
4. Added a new report called "Sales Person Product List (Actual Available)". This report allows for the inclusion of "Items on Reserve For Shows and Customer Orders" when reporting its totals for "Units" and "Cases".
5. Added the ability to "Validate Initial Inventory Item History Quantities" while in the "Products Screen".
6. Added a new report called "Daily Magazine Worksheet" which reports on inventory stock (Magazine transitional changes as mandated by new ATF rules) by by the magazine and part number for any "Range of Dates".
7. Added the ability to sort by "Show/Order Date", "Percentage Fireworks Hi-> Low", "Percentage Fireworks Low->Hi" in the "List Shows/Orders Fireworks Amount" report.
We have corrected the following errors:
1. Some "Purchase Order" line items would not post due to a line containing some blank information.
2. We have corrected missing "Manufacture Date" and "Shift" entries for any stock movement between magazines.
3. Corrected not honoring the "Date Range" for the "Product Cost Used By Show" report.
4. Incorrect total racks needed calculation in the "Materials Requirements Report".
June 12, 2008
We have corrected a minor problem when "Posting a Show Using Reserved Location" in the "Show" screen. The show may not post because the "Cases Amount" may be encountered before "Units in Stock" is encountered in the database.
We have also made a slight change to the way the total amount of "Units" is printed on a "Show Report". It now displays/prints as "Total Units (Total Shells Including Assemblies)".
We have also added a check for when an individual tries to delete a "Firing Device" that may be in use in a "Category". The system names the "Category" using the "Firing Device" and tells you to reassign it to a different "Firing Device" first.
June 4, 2008
We have added a new report called "List Show/Order Fireworks Amounts" to the reports that are available to all users.
We have modified the "Product Acquisition" and "Product Disposition" reports to print the information in a better format.
We have added "Comments" to the "Product Acquisition" report so that when the ATF does not get confused about where the product came from when it shows items moved from one magazine to another.
June 2, 2008
We have corrected a report error in the "Print Product Reserved By Show/Orders Summary" report where it was missing the printing of some reserved items in a show or order.
We have widened the "Units Price" field when printing a "Customer Order" so that it does not chop off the leading digits when the price is over $999.99.
May 30, 2008
5-53 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. Added a new field called "Carrier Name" to the "Customer Screen". This allows for you to provide a different carrier in place of using the customers name/company for carrier name on the "Bill of Lading"
2. Added the ability to include/exclude "Cakes and Candles" types on the following reports: "Product Customer Price List", "Sales Person Product List", "Sales Person Product List-Wide Format"
3. Added additional logging for tracking when a user manually or automatically converts a case to pieces and vice versa.
4. Corrected minor screen display fields.
May 12, 2008
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added a new field to the "Suppliers" screen called "License Number". This field should contain the suppliers license number for reporting purposes. This should include license numbers from companies that may be outside the United States territories such as China or Japan.
2. We have added the ability to print the "Suppliers License Number" in the "Product Acquisition Report (ATF Report)".
3. We have added the ability to print your "Federal License Number" when displaying what "Show" this item was used in for the "Product Disposition Report (ATF Report)". Also, the "Customer Order Company Name and User Name" and their associated "License" information are highlight in "Bold Face" for this report when the item was sold to a company or individual. We have also added the "Show Name" where the product was used in this report.
May 7, 2008
We have corrected a minor error when printing a "show", calculation for total shells for a sub-assembly was added in twice.
May 5, 2008
5-51 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. Currently, when in a "Show" or "Customer Order", the "Shift" and "Manufacture Date" would be set only after posting the "Show" or "Customer Order". This seemed to present a problem if one wanted to print the "Shift" or "Manufacture Date" on a "Pull Sheet or "Customer Invoice". We have modified the software so that when a person is in the "Show" or "Customer Order" screens, and selects either "Set Reserve From Any Location", or "Set Reserve From Source Location", or double clicks on the "Un-posted" line location, the current "Shift" and "Manufacture Date" will be set using the corresponding inventory in stock magazine location information. This "Shift" and "Manufacture Date" will be printed if the user selects to print these fields in the "My Preferences" screen even though the item is not “Posted” (pulled from the magazine)”.
May 01, 2008
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to display both "Units" and "Cases" in the "Print Product Reserved By Shows/Orders Summary" report. We have also added the ability to display Show/Order numbers in this report.
April 18, 2008
We have corrected a minor "Reserve" display item when you recalculate the reserved quantities in the "Products" screen.
April 17, 2008
5-49 made available for FTP Download
We have added the following new features:
1. Added "Firing Device Weight" (both pounds and kilograms) in the "Firing Devices" screen so that the total equipment weight can be shown when printing a "Show". This helps a person calculate total truck weight for the show.
2. Added "Reserved Quantities" display for both pieces and cases to the "Products" screen.
3. Added the ability to automatically fill in a blank "Size" field when selecting a "Category" that contains a size (I.E. 3") in its description in the "Products" screen.
4. Added a new report titled "Product Laser Label Printing Report (Box Label)" that can be used to print labels for "Cases of Shells" to make it easier to both find an item and scan it via a laser gun.
5. Added the ability to select "Display Supplier Name On Label (Box)" in "My Preferences".
6. Added the ability to select "Display List Price On Label (Box)" in "My Preferences".
7. Added the ability to select "Display Item (Shell) Size On Label (Box)" in "My Preferences".
8. Added the ability to find an item by "Artist (Vendor) Number" in the "Products" screen.
9. Added the ability to select specific "Categories" when Viewing/Printing the following reports:
a. Product Customer Price List
b. Sales Person Product List
c. Sales Person Product List - Wide Format
d. Cakes and Candles Report
January 28, 2008
We have corrected the following items:
1. In the "products" screen, when you create a new item, then delete it, the screen is not refreshed showing the next item in the list.
January 21, 2008
We have corrected the following items:
1. Corrected issues in the "List Products By Magazine Location (Weight) " report regarding incorrect "Grand Total Net Weight" amount when mixing different "Caselot" amounts.
We have added the ability to include "Ground Items" in the "List Products Including Items On Order" report.
January 15, 2008
We have corrected the following items:
1. Corrected minor issues in the "Show Wizard Screen"
January 9, 2008
We have corrected the following items:
1. In Customer Orders and Shows screens, we have change the "Years to Display" selection to the following:
a. Current Year
b. Last Year
c. Current Year & Last Year
d. All Years
This should make it a little clearer as to what each of the corresponding Shows/Orders screen items will be displayed.
January 2, 2008
5-47 made available for FTP Download
We have corrected the following items:
1. Corrected missing Item Weight in the Category screen for the Demo Database.
2. Corrected miss-spellings and clarified some items in various display screens.
3. Updated the documentation to Version 5.21 Dated January 2, 2008
December 4, 2007
5-45 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to combine locations (Magazines) for reporting purposes. The new "Report Location Name" field has been added to the "Location" screen. The user can name multiple locations to a new combined name and assign any locations to this new name. This "Report Location Name" is now available in many different reports that use the "Location" field as a selection when printing the corresponding reports.
December 3, 2007
5-43 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to print inventory costs by vendor for yearend product cost analysis. The report is located in the report tab "Costs, Purchases, Expenses, Payments Reports" and is called "Product Inventory Cost Report"
October 5, 2007
We have corrected a minor error in the "Customer Order" and "Show" screens when using "Auto-Convert Cases to Units". If the user selects either "Pull Stock From Any Location" or "Pull Stock From Source Location", or "Pull Stock From Reserve Location", the system may not find and convert cases to units, thus requiring the user to try the same button a second time.
October 4, 2007
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added a new field "Default Laser Label Customer Order Quantity Type" to the "My Preferences" screen. This allows the user to set a default laser scanner quantity type of "Cases" or "Pieces" when scanning in using a laser scanner items for a "Customer Order". Format is Part Number, Quantity
(If Quantity Is Blank, Then Quantity = 1)
(IF Quantity ends with the letter 'C' then quantity will be case quantity)
(IF Quantity ends with the letter 'P' then quantity will be piece
Example: PARTNUMBER,3C = 3 Cases
If the Next Line Contains ++#####, Then The Previous Line Items Quantity Will Be
Set To #####
Additional Lines Are Defined As Follows:
++Posted - Enables Auto-Posting
++Un-post - Disables Auto-Posting
++LNNNN" Identifies A New Location ID Number
2. We have added the ability to print "Laser Location Labels" and "Laser Numbers (1 thru 14)", "Laser Numbers (1C thru 14C)","Laser Numbers (1P thru 14P)", plus "Post", "Un-post Labels" In the "Print Laser Location Labels" Report.
September 18, 2007
5-41 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to print "Laser Location Labels" and "Laser Number (1 thru 10) Labels" In the new "Print Laser Location Labels" Report.
2. We have added the ability to automatically "Post" both "Customer Orders" and "Shows" using scanned in "Laser" item information.
3. Added a new "Inventory By Location Report (ART # & Size)"
We Have corrected the following items:
1. Possible non-printing of the "Bill Of Lading" report from the "Customer Order" or "Shows" screen.
August 29, 2007
5-39 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added supplier city and country to the "Customer Invoice" and the "Customer Pull Sheet" reports (user selectable - included when selecting to include manufacture date and shift).
2. New report "Inventory Product Movement". This report lists both "Initial Inventory" and/or "Current Inventory" including the last location where the items were move from/to.
4. We have added a new "Fireworks Discount" field to the "Shows" screen. This discount can be used for example, as a promotional item to give your customers a discount for signing a contract early.
5.New report "List Shows By Salesperson With Fireworks Discount". This will list all shows with and without a discount for fireworks.
6. We have added the ability to load a show/orders product line items from a common ASCII file (created by scanning in products from a laser gun) named either "Shows.txt" or "Orders.txt". This feature is available in both the "Show" and "Customer Order" screens.
7. We have corrected a possible error where if the user deletes 1 or more line items in the "Customer Order" line item screen, but then answers "No" to the "Confirm Delete Message", the reserve quantities for both "Units" and "Cases" for the drop down item display screen may be incorrect for the items selected for deletion.
8. We have corrected a possible error where if the user deletes 1 or more line items in the "Show" line item screen, but then answers "No" to the "Confirm Delete Message", the reserve quantity for "Units" for the drop down item display screen may be incorrect for the items selected for deletion.
9. We have corrected a possible error where if the user deletes 1 or more line items in the "Products" (View Inventory Storage Locations and View Inventory Storage Locations With Initial Items) screen, but then answers "No" to the "Confirm Delete Message", the In stock for both "Units" and "Cases" for the drop down item display screen in the "Shows" and "Customer Order" screens may be incorrect for the items selected for deletion.
August 20, 2007
5-37 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. You can now append the letter "C" to the quantity for selecting "Cases Quantities" when laser scanning in items for the "Customer Order" screen.
We have corrected the following errors:
1. The "Customer Order Number" in the "Customer Order" screen now correctly adds 1 to the last highest "Customer Order Number" when creating a new "Customer Order".
2. The "Show Number" in the "Show" screen now correctly adds 1 to the last highest "Show Number" when creating a new "Show".
3. We have corrected for item/case partial adjustments in the "Product Inventory Totals" report.
4. "Category" selection works correctly in the "Inventory Product Usage By Category (ATF)" report when the user does not specify any part numbers in the part number range drop down boxes.
5. "Supplier" selection works correctly in the "Inventory Product Usage By Supplier (ATF)" report when the user does not specify any part numbers in the part number range drop down boxes.
6. "Magazine" selection works correctly in the "Inventory Product Usage By Magazine (ATF)" report when the user does not specify any part numbers in the part number range drop down boxes.
7. We have corrected the displaying of all report names (even when the report selection box is not checked in the "Grant/Deny Report Selections" screen ) in the "Select Your Report" screen when the user is running in non-restricted mode.
July 25, 2007
We have added the follow new features:
1. Added "Grant All Reports Button" in the "Grant/Deny Reports Screen".
2. Added Total Cases/Units to the following reports when "All Stock" is selected:
a. Product Listing By Location
July 24, 2007
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added "Total Units" and "Total Cases" to the following reports:
a. Product Listing By Location
b. Product Listing By Location By Supplier
c. Product Listing By Location By Category
July 19, 2007
We have corrected the following errors::
1. Corrected the Supplier filter selection in the "Product Inventory Totals" report.
2. Corrected a situation where the "Item Price" and "Case Price" were not being replicated when posting a partial product line item. The new line item created for insufficient stock contained a zero price for both the item and the case.
July 18, 2007
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added "Part Number Range" to both the "Product Acquisition" and "Product Disposition" reports.
July 9, 2007
5-35 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the following new fields to the "Shows" screen:
a. Show Driver
b. Return Location (If set when un-posting/Returning to Stock line items, the "Return Location" will over-ride the "Original Location".
c. Additional truck definitions for the "Truck Expense" drop down box. These truck definitions can be edited by "Double Clicking" on the "Truck Expense" field.
2. We have added the following new fields to the "Employees" screen:
a. Employee Password
b. Driver (Show Driver)
3. We have added the following new reports:
a. "Truck Usage By Driver" report for trucks used in "Shows".
b. "Truck Usage By Date By Truck" report for trucks used in "Shows".
June 26, 2007
We have added the following to the drop down boxes in the "products" screen:
a. Hazard Class (I.E. 1.4S)
b. UN Number (I.E. UN03454)
We have also corrected the displaying of part numbers and prices in the "Customer Order" and "Show Usage" reports.
June 19, 2007
We have added the word "(Fireworks)" to the Description label in the "Bill Of Lading" report.
June 18, 2007
5-33 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have added the ability to print a "Bill Of Lading" for both "Customer Orders" and "Shows".
2. We have added the following new fields to the "Products" screen to support the above report:
a. Hazardous Material (Yes/No)
b. Hazard Class (I.E. 1.3G)
c. UN Number (I.E. UN0335)
d. Package Group (I.E. II)
e. Placards (I.e. Explosive 1.3G)
3. We have added the following new fields to "My Company" screen to support the above report:
a. Shipper Number
b. US DOT HazMat Number
c. Emergency Phone Number
June 14, 2007
We have corrected the following error:
1. A problem was reported to us in the "Customer Order" screen when double-clicking on "Customer Name", then adding a new customer and returning to the "Customer Order" screen. The "Exit" box in the "Customer" screen will now correctly return you to the "Customer Order" screen.
June 11, 2007
5-31 made available for FTP download
We have corrected the following error:
1. A problem was reported to us in the "Customer Order" screen when moving items from
reserve to target location.Here’s the scenario:
22 pieces - MYPARTNUMBER mfg 02/20/06 Location A1
20 cases - MYPARTNUMBER mfg 03/10/07 Location A1
When moving one case to target location TK1, it pulls from old inventory
first, even though there are no cases available.This creates the
following:Location A1 - 22 pieces And -1 case mfg 02/20/06
We have corrected this error so that the system moves cases and items from their correct stock date entries in both the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screens..
June 5, 2007
We have corrected a minor error in the "Out Of Stock Report". We have also made some minor cosmetic screen changes.
May 31, 2007
5-29 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. We have grouped into multiple selections the reports in the "Preview Reports" so that it is easier to select/find a report.
2. We have added a selection tab showing "Initial Pieces" and "Initial Cases" besides "Pieces (In Stock)" and "Cases (In Stock)" in the "Products" screen. There is also a standard selection tab showing only "Pieces (In Stock)" and "Cases (In Stock)" in this screen.
3. We have reversed the sorting order for the "Items Sold" selection tab in the "Products" screen so that the most recent item sold is displayed first.
May 21, 2007
5-27 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. Added the ability to update "Initial Units" and "Initial Cases" in "Products" screen.
2. Added the ability to post an item in a "Show" or "Customer Order" from multiple item magazine line stock items.
For Example: If item 3ABC has two line items in the "Products" screen showing 2 pieces in line 1 and 3 pieces in line 2, then a "Customer Order" for 4 pieces will post correctly.
3. Added the ability to see "Cases Sold" in the "Product Sold" tab in the "Products" screen.
May 17, 2007
We have added the printing of Show and Customer Order "Reserved Quantities" in the "Product Inventory Totals" report.
May 16, 2007
5-25 made available for FTP download
Corrected minor display errors
May 15, 2007
We have added the ability to move to and display the item selected in the drop down list when selecting an Alpha-Numeric button, or Beginning, End, Next or Previous buttons in the "Products", "Customer Order", and "Shows" screens.
May 11, 2007
5-23 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. New field added - "Misc. Expense" in the "Customer Order" screen. This field will allow the user to enter a additional item that will be added to the order sub-total amount.
2. New field added - "Misc. Expense" in the "Print Customer Order (Invoice)" report. This field will print (if amount is greater than $0.00)and will be added to the order sub-total amount.
NOTE - All drop down text boxes those contents are displayed in "italics" allow the user to enter additional/new text into the box area (besides just selecting the drop down suggested text messages).
May 10, 2007
We have corrected an error where "Post From Any Location" button in the "Customer Order" screen did not function.
May 8, 2007
We have made the following changes:
1. We have changed the "Post Stock" query to pull stock from the oldest "Manufacture Date" first, then the oldest "Stock Date" next when pulling inventory (Posting Stock) in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screens.
2. We have changed the delete a line item to check if the item is posted in the "Customer Order" and "Shows" screen. If the line item is posted, then a warning messaged is displayed asking the user to first un-post (return to stock) the line item and then the user can delete the line item.
3. We have added the displaying of the "Reserved Item and Cases Amounts" in the "Product Out of Stock" report.
May 3, 2007
5-21 made available for FTP download
We have added the following new features:
1. New field added - "Auto Convert Cases to Items" in the "Shows" (and My Preferences) screen. This field allows for automatically converting a case to pieces (using the caselot field) when posting a shows items, if there are not enough items to satisfy the request for the line item in the show.
2. In the "Shows" screen, when a user post stock, the system will check if there are any case amounts that have a caselot=1. If this exists, the system will pull stock from pieces first, then cases with caselots=1.
3. We have added cases information (in parenthesis) to the "Product Inventory Totals Report".
4. We have added "Search Rules" instructions and examples to the search for "Shows", "Customer Orders", and "Parts" screens.
5. We have added the ability to automatically go to the first found matching item in a search screen request (thus saving additional key strokes by the user).